View Full Version : NAS (Network Access real) Alternative JFW's PSN Dh

August 16th, 2011, 14:07
via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2877

After learning that the future JFW 3.41 DH will not have access to the PSN as announced in its infancy, the development team gives us today the first details of their alternative for JFW DH.
RNA "Real Network Access" is the name of the online service that will be offered to users of the future CFW Spanish (due next October 1). Under this name hides a range of options and features similar to those proposed by the NHP, but (for now) not yet online gaming! Hades Demon announced a few days ago that their CFW integrate a network gaming system by LAN similar to "XlinkKai". This one can be integrated into the "Real Network Access" in the future. It is the developer blip of JFW DH team behind this new product and presenting it on the forum DemonHades: As you can see on the Pictured above, this will be the primary design of the NAS with the few options available to the first version! Friends: Add your friends so they can see your profile, avatar and information, you also route their profiles and make comparisons. Trophies: Update your trophies to your friends to see. In a future release we will put a function to display your trophies through social networks such Facebook or Twitter. Network: Not active in the first version, but will be the meeting place. Create chat rooms and join other people would be one of the functions that will be available. Inbox: Send and receive messages with friends. In future versions, you could invite your friends. Quick Menu:

Using the arrow keys, the menu will change giving you access to options:
- Your profile.
- Friends list.
- Messages.
- Menu.
- Suggestions welcome. Progression (14/08/11 - 3:30 am): PHP server: - Login: 100% - Negotiation Process (security): 30% - File Creator Package: 100% - User Information: 0% - Trophies: 0% - Friends: 0% PS3 PKG: - GUI Basic: 80% - Interactions and Control: 40% - Dynamic and animations: 20% Overall Project Progress: 5% So the alternative of PSN JFW DH is revealed a little, certainly not yet online gaming but it will come see the capabilities of this team of developers in Spain. Wait & see.