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View Full Version : Mac Emulation Explosion - 26 Emulators Updated

September 17th, 2006, 10:56
Richard Bannister has released news today of an update to 26 of his Emulators, heres the release news/info:

Updates are now available for twenty six of my emulators. The major change in this update is improved file handling code, which at long last allows those wonderful people in Japan to use Kanji in their file names. I spent three weeks in Japan last year and immediately fell in love with the country; hopefully I'll be able to get back there in a few years.

As always, there are a number of fixes that affect all the different emulators:

Fixed several endian bugs; of particular note, screenshots and audio recordings now work correctly on Intel Macs.
File extensions are now included by default when saving screenshots or audio recordings.
Worked around issue preventing keyboard from working in full screen mode in Arnold and Frodo.
Resolved a number of situations where keyboard input would be registered even though the emulator window was not active.
(Enhancer) Resolved a visual glitch in the Preferences->Filter dialog.
(Enhancer) Updated eSellerate engine to prevent dead items being left in trash every reboot.
(Enhancer) Fixed issue where occasionally serial numbers might be rejected.
(Enhancer) Fixed endian bug preventing network play from working between PowerPC and Intel.
There are also some updates to individual emulators:

BSNES: In sync with the latest release for PC.
fMSX: Added support for RAM expansions. The English version of Snatcher now runs.
Handy: Ported to Xcode and recompiled as Universal Binary.
Horizon: Added option not to remap colon key.
Nestopia: Added file filtering to the open dialog.
Nestopia: Added sound sample support for assorted Japanese games. Nestopia will prompt you for the files if you choose one.
Nestopia: Added support for drag & drop with NSF files.
Nestopia: Added support for muting the five main sound channels independently.
Nestopia: In sync with the latest release for Windows.
SMS Plus: Resolved an error with the keyboard labelling.
That's all for now. Enjoy.

Simply Outstanding, Download them all from his site HERE (http://bannister.org/software/)

September 17th, 2006, 16:15
omg it's a lot :)

October 19th, 2006, 12:00
Impressive stuff!!! Felt a bit lonely in here as a Mac user, but that just made my day. Cheers Richard