View Full Version : Windows 8 To Natively Support ISO and VHD Mounting

August 31st, 2011, 22:02
With a masterful nail in the optical disc coffin, Microsoft has announced that its new operating system willnatively mount ISO disc images (http://www.extremetech.com/computing/94370-windows-8-explorer-will-support-native-mounting-of-iso-and-vhd). On the slightly more enterprisesque side of the equation, VHD files will also be supported by Windows 8. Both new features will be smoothly integrated into Windows 8 Explorer's ribbon menu (http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/08/29/2037223/Microsoft-Ribbonizes-Windows-8-File-Manager), and mounting an ISO or VHD is as simple as double clicking the file. This is obviously an important addition with Windows 8 being available on tablets — and in a year or two, it wouldn't be surprising if all software is made available as an ISO on a USB drive which can be read by tablet and PC alike.
