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September 18th, 2006, 10:13
Hey EVERYONE! I think it's very easy to say that i am the guy who uses the MMD. BUT! I'm moving on up to the Supercard CF, cause i still want to use my CF card. I was going to use my Media Player, but i wanted to know if there was anything wrong in doing that? Will it work the same? And do i have to flash my CF card to get the Supercard to work with the MP? ThankS! Very appreciated.
Also, if it's not possible to use the MP with the supercard, what should i do?


The Hombrew Hunter
September 18th, 2006, 12:15
I would actually suggest an M3 and Passcard 3 combo.

I is teh know nots of sc.

September 18th, 2006, 15:14
I'm poor

September 18th, 2006, 15:33
I'm poor
Well in all onestys the homebrew will tell everybody to get the M3. Well like always i disagree. Why you ask.? Well i have a G6 , M3 , Ninja Card , Ez and i always save the best for last SUPER CARD LITE Now why is it better you ask.
1- Way cheaper for people
2- Faster loading
3-Integrated emulators NES, SMS ,PC ENgine , SGG , GBC , GBA ( the only card that has this option)
4- Better compatibility then the others with regards of homebrew
5- Does what other card do yet a lot more that other cards cant.:eek:

September 18th, 2006, 17:31
I second AcidBurn05's opinion.

Supercard is the 1337357

September 18th, 2006, 17:52
Hey and they say that the only bad thing about the SC is GBA compatibility and save yet all you have to do is format it with the SC tool and they all work great just like you where playing the cartridge. Oh and you can do regular save and real time save none of the other cards can do that.

September 18th, 2006, 18:29
Supercard Lite ftw :) - what you mean about integrated emulators :o?

September 18th, 2006, 18:53
M3 Lite >:(

;[ Acidburn just has a weird attachment to the Supercard company.

September 18th, 2006, 19:24
I want to make sure that i can do all that stuff with the Supercard CF and Max Media Player. Or do i have to buy the Super key?

September 18th, 2006, 19:38
Supercard Lite ftw :) - what you mean about integrated emulators :o?
All you have to do is created a folder in the root of your memory for example Emulators a sub directories example NES and put your games in it. Unzipped. If you have an emulator already for that counsil it will use the best the integraded emulator or the new emulator you put in. To use it you go to options and enable set emu options. Real easy. To bad M3 doesnt have it.

M3 Lite >:(

;[ Acidburn just has a weird attachment to the Supercard company.
How many cards do you own i own the bigger names and then some:
SC Lite
Ninja Pass
and soon Ds Link
so im not talking out of my A** like a lot of people i have tested and own them.:p

The Hombrew Hunter
September 18th, 2006, 20:28
M3 Lite >:(

;[ Acidburn just has a weird attachment to the Supercard company.

I'm tellin ya, he's trying to put M3 outta business...advertiser.

Yes, the M3 has built-in GBA emulators, such as pocketnes and such....yes.

M3 is built for movies, which it plays nicely. Music, too. You need to get Moonshell on Supercard to do anything, but a GBA SP can play movies and music without a program.

Face it, niether is better. Their strengths are affected by weaknesses, and one's strength is another's weakness, while another's weakness is another's strength!

Now stop the war and adverts and buy whatever you want. If you don't have a lite, go for something other than Supercard LITE, because it's..not a lite DS.

September 19th, 2006, 00:24
I love you homebrew despite all we have been through i love you mi friend.

September 19th, 2006, 00:35
here at DCEmu, we all love each other. there is no hate between us. :D

September 19th, 2006, 00:57
homebrew hunter is ************ idc wat he said. I think he works for does companies.
anyway just use supercard it should work try ebay.

September 19th, 2006, 00:58
oops double post
homebrew hunter I think you're an advertiser cause you are . m3 is much better mmd suck balls well is true but some people are really poor does why people buy it

September 19th, 2006, 00:59
thats not a very nice thing to say.
dont double post. but since you did, just delete your post and edit it into your other post.

The Hombrew Hunter
September 19th, 2006, 01:48
Too late, I just had to warn him THREE times in one minute! 2 double postings, and one insult others.

Jeez, surprised he hasn't got a suspension yet...Scratch that, that just got him a suspension...Jeebus.

Oh well, he deserved that.

Also, thanks for backing me up, kcaj.


I work for no companies, I'm ****ing thirteen!

September 19th, 2006, 01:58
no problem THH. im happy to help.
btw, what happened to that guy who kind of insulted us, tondopie.

The Hombrew Hunter
September 19th, 2006, 02:00
"How can you remember something I said when you weren't even there?"


Random Zim Quote.

Don't think anything happened to tondo.

End rant.

September 20th, 2006, 00:13
<- SuperCard FTW!!! I definatly reccomend it to anyone. Good to hear you are getting somthing better than max media player. I have one but none of my friends wil buy it:confused: They are too smart for me.

September 20th, 2006, 00:46
<- SuperCard FTW!!!

Hahaha, does anyone else think that hes gone too far? lol :p

September 20th, 2006, 02:22
Too far? Opening Photoshop, typing 7 letters and a few exclamation points, saving and making it my avatar is going too far? I think not, though others may disagree. I am just displaying my eternal love for Supercard.

Oh and btw Supercard FTW!!!

I see no built in emulators in m3. Wake me up when they are there.

The Hombrew Hunter
September 20th, 2006, 02:33
Build GBA, and then a bunch of file types are selectable.

September 20th, 2006, 02:42
yeah the M3 has built in emulators for these file extensions: .gg, .sms, .nes, .pce, and .gb. and the other emulators that people made.

September 20th, 2006, 03:35
Too far? Opening Photoshop, typing 7 letters and a few exclamation points, saving and making it my avatar is going too far? I think not, though others may disagree. I am just displaying my eternal love for Supercard.

I was just kidding sheesh, I just don't see a reason to do it

September 20th, 2006, 05:37
I know, I'm not mad. I see a reason to do it. I'll say when I remember.

September 20th, 2006, 06:16
I'm so proud of all of you!