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View Full Version : Final Fantasy Zz (Hard Type) Released

September 11th, 2011, 19:49
news via http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php/topic,13226.html

I am happy to announce the official release of Final Fantasy Zz, a hard-type hack of the original Final Fantasy for the NES! Final Fantasy Zz includes both bugfixes and enhancements that will make this hack more fun and more challenging to play than the original.
Some of the enhancements include the ability to see the contents of a treasure chest without having to drop something if your inventory is full, the ability to buy 9 items at a time, new and more powerful magic spells, slightly remapped dungeons, new enemy formations and AI, improved and rebalanced classes, new equipment, and the ability to dash by holding the B button. Some of the bugfixes include fixing the INT bug for magic, fixing broken magic spells like TMPR and SLEP, fixing some cosmetic bugs, and fixing the multiple level-up bug.
This hack is recommended for people who are very experienced with the original Final Fantasy. There aren’t any cheap enemy encounters, such as Iron Golems in the Earth Cave, but if you are not careful, any battle could be your last.
This is a great hack that has taken almost four years to develop. Give Final Fantasy Zz a try! Good luck! (You’ll need it!)
RHDN Project Page (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/803/)