View Full Version : British Schoolkids To Be Taught Computer Coding

September 17th, 2011, 23:01
"The UK government has finally decided to do something about the dire state of IT and computer science teaching in the country: it will create a new 'IT-centric' General Certificate of Secondary Education (http://www.silicon.com/management/public-sector/2011/09/15/it-centric-gcse-on-way-to-boost-kids-coding-skills-39747953/) that will cover computational principles, systemic thinking, software development and logic. The current ICT GCSE has been lambasted for boring kids to death (http://www.silicon.com/management/public-sector/2011/04/20/drop-tedious-ict-lessons-says-intellect-39747319/) with lessons on using Word and Excel, rather than teaching computer programming."
