View Full Version : Edge Grinder released on Commodore 64 & Amstrad CPC

September 20th, 2011, 00:53
For the first in a series of Format Wars, Edge Grinder has been simultaneously released on both the Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC. Format Wars is a collaboration between programmers of different formats to come together to convert a C64 game to another platform, in this instance, the Amstrad CPC. The original C64 game was coded by Jason Kelk (GR9 Strike Force (http://retroactionmagazine.com/retronews/gr9-strike-force-released-on-c64/)), while the CPC version was coded by Paul Kooistra (Dead on Time & Star Sabre (http://retroactionmagazine.com/retronews/star-sabre-128k-released-on-amstrad-cpc/)). Paul is no stranger to converting C64 games to the CPC, having converted the superb Sub Hunter (http://retroactionmagazine.com/retronews/sub-hunter-converted-to-the-amstrad-cpc/) onto the Amstrad machine and now with Edge Grinder, he is making a name for himself in the homebrew scene for his outstanding work.
Edge Grinder features a plot straight out of old school gaming: take a space ship into enemy territory and rid the world off the evil creatures. A classic style shoot-’em-up with a neat feature: your spaceship can grind against the edge of the landscape for extra an extra score boost – hence the name Edge Grinder – but, of course, such maneuvers come with the risk of losing a life.
Both the C64 and CPC versions, along with extras, can be found on the Format War’s website (http://formatwar.net/view_index.php?4mat=1).
