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View Full Version : Get OnLive console and Saints Row 3 for £24.49

September 22nd, 2011, 23:22
It’s all the industry is talking about today, and new streaming games service OnLive is doing all it can to ensure the public is just as enthused.
As well as its any game for £1 deal for new users of the service, OnLive is also offering a fantastic freebie for those who pre-order Saints Row 3.
If you pledge to but THQ’s game for £34.99 then OnLive will supply you with a free Microconsole and joypad worth £69.99.
Of course, the Microconsole isn’t needed to access OnLive – that can be done via a PC or Mac. But using the hardware allows gamers to directly access OnLive via their TV or HMDI-enabled monitor.
Furthermore, sign up for the £6.99 PlayPack subscription and users get 30 per cent of all purchases.
That makes a total of £24.49 for Saints Row 3 and the OnLive hardware for all those who commit to a subscription.
