View Full Version : Pandora News - Business Plan sent to interested investors (2011 - 09 - 20)

September 23rd, 2011, 10:55
via http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php?/topic/5388-business-plan-sent-to-interested-investors-2011-09-20/

Well, just some quick news to tell you that I finished the business plan this weekend and sent it out to interested investors.

Over 40 community members have sent me mails that they are interested in investing - guys, you rock!

I also sent a copy to notch - he was one of the first people to order a Pandora (and waited until he got it), so he might be a potential candidate as well.

I will let you know more details and informations about it soon, as well as the preordering that should start soon.

Right now, I'm just a bit tired and need to get up early tomorrow.
But I will keep you informed!