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View Full Version : DSTELNET Alpha 2.0

September 25th, 2011, 22:25
via http://gbatemp.net/t308738-dstelnet-alpha-2-0

ILOVEPIE has released a new version of DSTELNET which as the name implies allows you to connect to telnet servers with your DS. Unlike the first alpha you can now go wherever you like and by our reckoning it is the first standalone telnet client for the DS (previously your only real option was DSlinux). We have not tested it at length against any of our favourite MUDs yet but it does seem to have issues with wireless security and non standard ports- the author quite clearly states it is alpha software though.

this version can connect to a telnet server of your choice:

make a text file at:


with the URL or IP of the telnet server you wish to connect to
make a text file at:


with the URL or IP of the telnet server you wish to connect to


January 30th, 2012, 06:09
well... it's more of a RAW TCP client than a telnet client but it works as a telnet client just fine
(and yes this is the person who makes DS TELNET)