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View Full Version : Valve still hopes for Steam on Xbox 360

September 27th, 2011, 23:21
PC games kingpin Valve believes there is still hope for its digital portal Steam to launch on Microsoft’s Xbox system.
Chet Faliszek, a writer at the Washington studio, told Develop (http://www.develop-online.net/features/1436/Counter-Strike-united-Valves-new-plan) that the final decision was Microsoft’s to make – suggesting that Valve’s existing deal to incorporate Steam on PS3 is not binding to any exclusivity.
Asked by Develop whether Steam arrive on Microsoft’s living-room console, Faliszek replied: “Maybe, we’ll see. That’s something Microsoft will has to decide. There’s some things going on with Portal 2 right now, but we’ll see”.
Valve’s oft-cited ‘games as a service’ initiative has in the past clashed with Microsoft’s own Xbox philosophy.
