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View Full Version : WTF: Work Time Fun

September 19th, 2006, 18:39
New preorder from SuccessHK (http://www.superufo.com/?aff_id=24)


Created specifically for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, WTF is a crazy collection of fun and addictive mini-games that drive the player to perform sometimes trivial, sometimes mind-bending, but always-fun jobs in pursuit of the almighty dollar. Players will spend their well-earned money in the prize-vending machines on new jobs, games, trinkets and for the first time ever on the PSP system, tools to use in the real world such as the World Clock, Ramen Timer, and Flashlight. After players have spent their money, they'll head back to work so they can earn more money to buy more stuff, like real life but much more fun. WTF delivers gamers compelling, bite-sized morsels of frenzied arcade-style action unlike anything ever seen on the PSP system. Single Player or Multiplayer Gameplay Modes - Play through the game solo, or with your friends in 5 multiplayer mini-games using wireless ad hoc mode



September 19th, 2006, 18:58
:( This game i imported came broken or something cause i cant pass the first level to chose other mini games.:(

September 19th, 2006, 19:31
:( This game i imported came broken or something cause i cant pass the first level to chose other mini games.:(

Imported from where? It's only on pre-order at the moment.

Let me be the first of many to say


September 19th, 2006, 19:40
Imported from where? It's only on pre-order at the moment.

Let me be the first of many to say


Isn't this game a translated version of Baito Hell 2000?

(Baito being short for Arubaito in Japanese or "Temp" [Temporary Job] in English)

I heard that like a lot of arubaito jobs the minigames were mind numbingly repetative at times but that overall the game had a wicked sense of humour and was addictive.

September 19th, 2006, 20:19
complete wario ware ripoff........ but i may buy it, because i lv wario ware lol.

September 19th, 2006, 20:45
rofl wtf? :D

September 19th, 2006, 20:57
wtf? haha. Anyway, it has bad graphics.

September 19th, 2006, 23:03

September 19th, 2006, 23:35
i would get it if the graphics were better

WTF is up with that?

September 19th, 2006, 23:50
when does this game come out? its looks so funny, i have been waiting for it for a while =P

September 20th, 2006, 00:32
Man I love those crazy Japanese video game desginers. :D

September 20th, 2006, 00:39
wtf? haha. Anyway, it has bad graphics.
Who cares about the graphics? The games name is WTF. That's just beautiful. Lmao.

September 20th, 2006, 00:44
lol, funny name

September 20th, 2006, 00:51
One of the guys on my ship has this game.
Not sure where he got it, but i have my suspisions.
Anyways, this game is pretty awesome, i played it for about 30 minutes on his psp.
Its set up like you just got a job somewhere. You can pick different jobs, i think between 4. And you can spend the money on vending machines.
The only "Job" i did was some kind of "Put the lid on the pen" thing. You have a conveyer belt of ink pens, you put the lid on with the X button, use the O button to send that pen down the line for another pen, and use the up and down d-pad to flip the pen if it comes in upside down.

Seems like an awesome game for anyone with a short attention span, or just a few minutes of playtime available.
I'll try to get more information where he got the game i.e download or actually imported.

Cap'n 1time
September 20th, 2006, 01:14
il stick with wario ware

September 20th, 2006, 04:10
il stick with wario ware


I've played it, and I find Wario Ware to be a better mini-game experience.

most of the mini games are only really fun enough to play for a minute or two.

there's no way I'm catching a ball and pitching it to home 1000 times!

theres only so long that capping pens can be interesting.

the prensentation and the graphics and sound are great, but the actual gameplay wasn't that great IMO

September 20th, 2006, 04:41
This is just the English version of Baito Hell 2000. I think a better mini-game experience on the PSP would be X-Treme Party.

September 20th, 2006, 05:50
the name of this game is so politically incorrect, i mean, how did they even get away with that? it is pretty funny though, i might just have to pick up a copy when it comes out

Viper Snake
September 20th, 2006, 06:15
Warioware ripoff get?

September 20th, 2006, 07:55
Yee gawds, how can you claim to buy a game based on it's graphics? I guess thats why most PSP games suck - because the user don't want good games, only pretty ones.

But do my eyes deceive me? Do I see Fire Pro Wrestling?? I know its a mini game, but how extensive is it? If it's pretty big then I'd have to get this. Fire Pro on the move. Can't wait!

September 20th, 2006, 07:59
lol saw this in a mag once i really thought the name ment "What The F*ck"

September 20th, 2006, 08:56
the name of this game is so politically incorrect, i mean, how did they even get away with that? it is pretty funny though, i might just have to pick up a copy when it comes out

I think you meant "offensive" rather than "politically incorrect"! - What the fv(k isnt very political! :eek: Aside from that WGAF? :D

One of the guys on my ship has this game.
Not sure where he got it, but i have my suspisions.
Anyways, this game is pretty awesome, i played it for about 30 minutes on his psp.
Its set up like you just got a job somewhere. You can pick different jobs, i think between 4. And you can spend the money on vending machines.
The only "Job" i did was some kind of "Put the lid on the pen" thing. You have a conveyer belt of ink pens, you put the lid on with the X button, use the O button to send that pen down the line for another pen, and use the up and down d-pad to flip the pen if it comes in upside down.

Seems like an awesome game for anyone with a short attention span, or just a few minutes of playtime available.
I'll try to get more information where he got the game i.e download or actually imported.

Sometimes the little fill in games are just what you need! :D Something you dont really have to get into - just use to kill time :p

September 20th, 2006, 18:12
don't look to bad of a game hope it ends up a 2.71 game so I can play the mofo or devhook 2.81 comes out of somewhere

September 20th, 2006, 18:21
ok Turns out, the guy I was talking about on my ship yesterday who had a copy of this game had a
"Pre Release ISO"
I dont know where he got it, and I frown down upon him if he obtained it illegaly.
Here goes my preview/review
There was no option to update on his version and i got to play it a little more today.
There seems to be alot of different mini games to play, obviously. There are 4 different options on the main screen
1. Email - You get goofy emails from co workers, some make no sense at all
2. Placement Office - Randomly picks 4 of the jobs you have unlocked and you play them for money.
3. Vending Machine - You spend your money you make at different jobs here. There are 4 types
Bronze- Costs $1
Silver - Costs $5
Gold - Costs $10
Celeb - Costs $50
Each has different items, and this is how you unlock more jobs, and trinkets. (I guess the trinkets can be traded in multiplayer)
4. Hell Cantina - Multiplayer options, i didnt get to try this out all

*Note* You can press the Start button at any time to bring up a menu of your trinkets, jobs and other tools.
You can play any of your jobs at any time, but you only earn money off the ones that pop up on the Placement Office menu.

Hope This helps anyone with questions.

September 20th, 2006, 20:26


This looks better than Wario Ware. And, you should know, not everyone in the world is familiarized with the word.

(What is a prerelease Iso?)

September 20th, 2006, 22:41


This looks better than Wario Ware. And, you should know, not everyone in the world is familiarized with the word.

(What is a prerelease Iso?)

Pre release ISO I believe, is where someone got ahold of a UMD and ripped it before it was released in stores.
Kinda sucks we have people doing that

September 21st, 2006, 01:11
What the f*** is WTF

September 21st, 2006, 10:03
ok Turns out, the guy I was talking about on my ship yesterday who had a copy of this game had a
"Pre Release ISO"
I dont know where he got it, and I frown down upon him if he obtained it illegaly.
Here goes my preview/review
There was no option to update on his version and i got to play it a little more today.
There seems to be alot of different mini games to play, obviously. There are 4 different options on the main screen
1. Email - You get goofy emails from co workers, some make no sense at all
2. Placement Office - Randomly picks 4 of the jobs you have unlocked and you play them for money.
3. Vending Machine - You spend your money you make at different jobs here. There are 4 types
Bronze- Costs $1
Silver - Costs $5
Gold - Costs $10
Celeb - Costs $50
Each has different items, and this is how you unlock more jobs, and trinkets. (I guess the trinkets can be traded in multiplayer)
4. Hell Cantina - Multiplayer options, i didnt get to try this out all

*Note* You can press the Start button at any time to bring up a menu of your trinkets, jobs and other tools.
You can play any of your jobs at any time, but you only earn money off the ones that pop up on the Placement Office menu.

Hope This helps anyone with questions.

/\ Thanks for the review mate! :D

September 21st, 2006, 22:28
Like I mentioned these games aren't meant to be particularly fun hence the original name "Baito Hell 2000" ie hellishly repetative temp jobs, with a dark sense of humour attached. ;)