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View Full Version : Probelm with emulation...

September 21st, 2006, 18:17

I just bought Sonic Adventure off ebay and tried to run it through my chankast emulator an it just says insert a game disc, i have an inkling that i gotta make an iso but i dont know how to????

Can sum1 help please :)

Ta :P

September 21st, 2006, 18:29
No iso talk. Sorry dude.

September 21st, 2006, 18:56

I just bought Sonic Adventure off ebay and tried to run it through my chankast emulator an it just says insert a game disc, i have an inkling that i gotta make an iso but i dont know how to????

Can sum1 help please :)

Ta :P
Yes, you need to make an image of your GD, if you want to run it on chankast. But we can't help you here, because it is against the rules. Try in other emulation site.

September 21st, 2006, 19:41
P.C can't read GD disc ( dreamcast discs) and to to ripp them u have to use BBA (very rare) or coder cables ( takes forever)

But yeah we don't support ripping im this forum