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View Full Version : GTA Fan Arrested for Attempted GTA

September 21st, 2006, 19:40
A guy sporting a Grand Theft Auto tattoo on his back was arrested recently for allegedly trying to steal a car, the Royal Candian Mounted police said.

It sounds like Shylo Kujawski would have actually stolen the car if he hadn't somehow managed to disable the car with the owner's steering wheel lock, police said. That's right, he actually put the lock on the steering wheel before trying to steal it.

The twit, a convicted auto thief, was identified thanks to his ginormous tatoo that proclaimed his love for the game and the apparent hobby.

Via Kotaku

September 21st, 2006, 19:43
What a moron, man when I get the real life GTA urge I just go out and beat hookers for money. No one cares about street hooker ...


one winged angel
September 21st, 2006, 19:45
lol just lol

September 21st, 2006, 19:50
And who says that violent games affect only to the kids? :P

September 21st, 2006, 19:52
what an idiot

September 21st, 2006, 19:56
It's this kind of shameful acts that give videogames a bad reputation. I hope he gets a-raped by a 6'8 cellmate called Tootsie.

John Vattic
September 21st, 2006, 19:56
Stupid people are funny. Except when they run the country.

September 21st, 2006, 19:57

September 21st, 2006, 19:58
ohhh man thats funny sheeeet!!!

September 21st, 2006, 19:59
Put the steering lock on after stealing the car. That's another kind of idiot.

September 21st, 2006, 20:01
It's this kind of shameful acts that give videogames a bad reputation. I hope he gets a-raped by a 6'8 cellmate called Tootsie.


September 21st, 2006, 20:05
Damn fool..

September 21st, 2006, 20:11
Put the steering lock on after stealing the car. That's another kind of idiot.

Well if its the steering lock that I am thinking, its not really stupid; the steering wheel lock built into cars locks when there is no key in the ignition, if he hot wired it, chances are the wheel would have locked regardless.

Now if by steering wheel lock they mean something like the Club or some similar anti-theft device, then yes he is truly a moron.

September 21st, 2006, 20:27
all those mothers gaisnt violent video games will be eating this up.

September 21st, 2006, 21:07
Man, what a moron!!!

September 21st, 2006, 21:14
yeah, he needs a doctor or something

September 21st, 2006, 21:28
The best thing is it's not that hard to break a steering lock.......... so I have heard. *whistling*

September 21st, 2006, 21:32
all i have to say is dumb a.ss who agrees i mean who the hell can pull a car theft like gta in real life without using a gun what the hell

September 21st, 2006, 21:37
is anyone here still lol iam lonelhttp://www.gametalk.com/blox/ps2ajr03.jpgy

September 21st, 2006, 21:38

September 21st, 2006, 21:40
Dude you may get a warning for the double and triple posting.

September 21st, 2006, 21:48
rofl, effin idiot.. your suppose to carry guns with you when you go steal a car :P DUh!

September 21st, 2006, 22:00
I bet you in a few weeks, good ol' Jack Thompson will be talking about this. It really gives violent video games a bad name :(

Basil Zero
September 21st, 2006, 22:02

What an idiot!

John Vattic
September 21st, 2006, 22:03
When I said stupid people trying to run the country are not funny, I was talking about people like Jack Thompson.

September 21st, 2006, 22:19
Last summer I read an article in PC Gamer that the author conducted research about violent crimes and gaming.

Using Federal Department of Justice information, that is free for the public to view, he graphed when games came out and the rate of violent crime among teens and adolescents. He saw that there was a REDUCTION in the amount of violent crimes being commited by this age group when video games became more and more part of mainstream society.

Anyone who believe that violent games leads to violent lifestyles are retarded. Video games are just scapegoat because society doesn't want to blame bad parenting (which is probably 80% the cause of crime; its not surprising that children that are abused, neglected and not educated commit crimes.)

My father was in the Navy and an avid gun owner, having his own reloading shop in the garage. I have had violent games all my life and never once did I goto school and blast the hell out of anyone, steal a car, or other commit an act of violence against an innocent person (I say this because I have been in a few fights in my life, nothing to blame 'video games' over though).

He didn't baby the issue either when it came to his guns, first he told me flat out, that guns kill, and secondly he told me that if I touch his guns, I'll get the belt, and I knew damn well what that felt like and didn't want to go there...

Point is, society needs to stop this ridiculous behavior. All societies of the past have their crusades against an ideal or thing that just goes beyond all rational thought. However, I thought that in the 21st century, we were past all that.

Mr. Shizzy
September 21st, 2006, 22:23
IMHO, this isn't even funny. It sucks really. This is just more ammo for Jack Thompson, and anti-videogame legislators. :( There are enough ignorant ppl out there trying to censor videogames. The last thing we need is more negetive publicity.

September 21st, 2006, 22:30
Stupid people are funny. Except when they run the country.


btw. the headline is super funny!!

September 21st, 2006, 23:05
It's this kind of shameful acts that give videogames a bad reputation. I hope he gets a-raped by a 6'8 cellmate called Tootsie.

haha lmao yeah...good point

September 21st, 2006, 23:05
I bet hes gona break out of prison but lock the gate before he goes thru it

September 21st, 2006, 23:48
Man......... there are no words in this world to explain how stupid this idiot is hehhehh..... stealing a car without a gun wat a moron more idiotic is the fact he put the stering lock on....... next time he gets the gun.... hes gonna put the safety clutch on..

September 22nd, 2006, 00:05
anti-videogame idiots will eat this up. in about a week there will be like 20kkk articles about:

"Video Games are wrecking our child's life!"

and jack thompson of course.

this is 900 more packs of ammo for him :angry:

September 22nd, 2006, 00:12
A guy sporting a Grand Theft Auto tattoo on his back was arrested recently for allegedly trying to steal a car, the Royal Candian Mounted police said.

It sounds like Shylo Kujawski would have actually stolen the car if he hadn't somehow managed to disable the car with the owner's steering wheel lock, police said. That's right, he actually put the lock on the steering wheel before trying to steal it.

The twit, a convicted auto thief, was identified thanks to his ginormous tatoo that proclaimed his love for the game and the apparent hobby.

Via Kotaku
There ya have it, folks. Bad gaming promotes horrible habits. Sad though...:(

GTA, I gotta admit, is pretty bad, but I dont think IN ANY WAY is the general idea of video games responsible.

September 22nd, 2006, 01:36
And who says that violent games affect only to the kids? :P

yeah they also affect the retarded...what a moron.

September 22nd, 2006, 02:11
LOL! That's funny news right there. :)

September 22nd, 2006, 09:07
A guy sporting a Grand Theft Auto tattoo on his back was arrested recently for allegedly trying to steal a car, the Royal Candian Mounted police said.

It sounds like Shylo Kujawski would have actually stolen the car if he hadn't somehow managed to disable the car with the owner's steering wheel lock, police said. That's right, he actually put the lock on the steering wheel before trying to steal it.

The twit, a convicted auto thief, was identified thanks to his ginormous tatoo that proclaimed his love for the game and the apparent hobby.

Via Kotaku

Reminds me of an episode of CSI I watched the other day... :rolleyes: What a loser! :p

September 23rd, 2006, 17:54
Some people just can't distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality. I've been playing video games since 1975 and I've always known the difference. I still love to play DooM, UT and all those horror shooters! But, I also know that IT IS JUST A GAME! It is better to focus your energies on healing people instead of hurting them.