View Full Version : Abandoned Times Magazine issue 2

October 9th, 2011, 20:06
It’s been a long time since the first issue of Abandoned Times Magazine (http://www.abandonia.com/en/abandonia-times) was release – May 2009, in fact – but the second issue if finally here. One of Abandonia (http://www.abandonia.com/)‘s side projects, Abandoned Times Magazine is a zine produced by volunteers of the gaming website with articles and interviews on one of the most underrated gaming platforms: the PC.
This issue is a special horror themed edition with an in-depth look at one of the platform’s most memorable and influential First Person Shooter, the Doom series. Elsewhere, there is an interview with Brandon Cobb (Super Fighter Team), a DOS Box tutorial, Freeware Corner, Matt Barton (Matt Chat) interview and more. Continuing the horror theme with articles on The History of Horror Games, Alone in the Dark, Veil of Darkness, Elvira II, Psycho…
Abandoned Times Magazine itself is a fine looking ezine with some decent layouts and good writers onboard. However, the team are still needing writers, proof readers, designers and people with ideas, so if you would be willing to help out with a good cause, head over to the Abandonia (http://www.abandonia.com/)forums and let them know.
Abandoned Times Magazine issue 2, in all its 65 page glory, can be downloaded, or read online, from the Abandonia website (http://www.abandonia.com/en/abandonia-times) for free.
