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View Full Version : Sonic Screwdriver

October 9th, 2011, 22:28
via http://gbatemp.net/t310802-sonic-screwdriver

Sonic Screwdriver is a new DS homebrew made by Buck_7. The project, based on an iPhone application, is a tribute to The Doctor's sonic screwdriver, a fictional all-purpose tool used in the Doctor Who series. For more information be sure to check out the project's page linked below.

QUOTE(Release Notes 09/27/11)
To the best of my abilities, I have recreated the Sonic Screwdriver! Which is an I-Phone app. I took pictures using an I-Phone and edited them to make them DS compatible. Have Fun!
It's from a British television show called Doctor Who. The device is called a sonic screwdriver. It's a tool he uses to break through locks, scan people, fixes things. In other words, its a toy.
