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View Full Version : sent sce ta-082, got non-ta082 back!

September 23rd, 2006, 03:06
thats right...i had a ta-082 which i tried to downgrade before looking....and i bricked it....contacted sce, who told us to send it out to them....almost 2 weeks later, got the psp back...

they replaced it with a NON-TA-082.....but the firmware is 2.80, so just gotta wait for a downgrader....but still, sweet!

September 23rd, 2006, 03:06
Nice! There will be a downgrader eventually. :)

September 23rd, 2006, 03:59
haha doesnt sony get wise if u brick ur psp and send it in,,,wont they refuse to replace it becuase of homebrew and stuff

September 23rd, 2006, 04:22
well my battery fell out while updating to the newest firmware..../grin

September 23rd, 2006, 04:31
hahaha...feel glad for you
so now u're going to have how many 1.5s?

September 23rd, 2006, 04:56
well i had a 1.52 taht had a bad screen....took this screen and put it in the 1.52 so now i have 2.....the third will have to wait for a 2.80 downgrader....or mebe ill just sell it on ebay :)

i love being able to whip out 2 psp's and challenge someone to street fighter 2 :)

September 23rd, 2006, 04:58
lol....i'm still wishing i had a 1.5 >.<
the time will come...eventually i guess

September 23rd, 2006, 05:15
soon enough, my son...hell thanks to dark alex u may not have to downgrade, but upgrade.... :)

September 23rd, 2006, 05:20
but 2.71 will never ever beat a nice lovely 1.5...lol

September 23rd, 2006, 05:31
that's really great kando, but did i read correctly...you have 3 psp's :eek:

September 23rd, 2006, 06:14
well razorak if you want one so bad you should go to wal-mart or something and return yours and get a new one, thats what i did when i bricked my 1st psp downgrading from 2.71... brand new 2.01 :D

September 24th, 2006, 00:59
thats right...i had a ta-082 which i tried to downgrade before looking....and i bricked it....contacted sce, who told us to send it out to them....almost 2 weeks later, got the psp back...

they replaced it with a NON-TA-082.....but the firmware is 2.80, so just gotta wait for a downgrader....but still, sweet!

lol, pity you dont have a dumb girlfriend like mine...

...she's gonna swap her (NEW) 2.60 for my month old 2.80, good thing she does'nt know anything about psp's (except that it's got tekken)
cause I get all the fun of playing emulators with all my fave retro games (on both my psp's)

September 25th, 2006, 04:13
that's really great kando, but did i read correctly...you have 3 psp's :eek:

yea....but one has no screen and a crummy blacklight, so i got 2 psp's and a psp battery charger/flashlight =p

but its a non-ta082 2.80....so when i have reason to ill probably just buy another screen :D

well razorak if you want one so bad you should go to wal-mart or something and return yours and get a new one, thats what i did when i bricked my 1st psp downgrading from 2.71... brand new 2.01 :D

walmart scans all serial numbers to see if the psp was ever purchased at a walmart...i tried it, and it pissed me off cuz everyone told me how much of suckers walmart is, and they arent...

September 25th, 2006, 05:32
lol, pity you dont have a dumb girlfriend like mine...

...she's gonna swap her (NEW) 2.60 for my month old 2.80, good thing she does'nt know anything about psp's (except that it's got tekken)
cause I get all the fun of playing emulators with all my fave retro games (on both my psp's)

Oh oh she gona break up with you once she finds out ur playin mario on it :p ha jk

btw razorak why don't you just pawn your new one for a old one at the pawnshop my friend did that:)