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September 24th, 2006, 19:01
The new version of Hue .70 says something about a bug fix for Ys 1 and 2. I cant figure out how to get cd games to run on any of the pc engine emulators. I cant find a tutorial or any posts on it. Should I leave the game zipped? make it into an iso? what. I read something about .toc files. Please help me, or direct me to help. Thanks

September 25th, 2006, 17:42
Hello :)

I am also trying to get PC-Engine CD games to run with HuE 0.70. Here is what I found about this so far by searching the internet:

Q: How do I play PC Engine CD/TurboDuo games?
A: You must copy the ISOs and MP3s of the game zip to your memory card, along with a TOC (Table of Contents) file. You can then load the "Super CD-ROM2 System V3.00 (J).pce" rom and load the CD game. MP3s must be 44,000KHz 128Kbps stereo. (Google for how to convert your mp3s to the appropriate bitrate)

1. Create a text file for your ISO+MP3 CD image.
2. Go to http://necstasy.emunova.net/ to find the table of contents for your image.
3. Cut and paste the table of contents into the text file.
4. Save the file as "gamename".toc (i.e. DraculaX.TOC)
5. Place your game files with the TOC file into a folder on your memory card.
6. Load Hue.
7. Load the Super CD-ROM System rom.
8. Load the TOC file from your CD Game folder.

And here a link to a japanese site, important here is how they name the tracks there, if you don't give them just numbers the game won't run.


So far I got Langrisser and Fray working with HuE 0.70 however under both games the Audio Tracks did not work :( If you or someone else here is mor lucky or knows what still might be wrong, please let me know here :)

September 26th, 2006, 13:29
OK, by now I also tried it with Ys I-II (because the japanese readme of HuE 0.70 says indeed something about fixes for Ys I-II) and the same problem, the game runs fine and als sound is there as long as it is no CD Audio track :(

I did it exactly as said above (the mp3s are 44,000KHz 128Kbps stereo) and I renamed them as seen on a screenshot on that japanese site (01.mp3, 02.iso, 03.mp3...). Before you rename them like this, the game won't start at all, so it seems to be the right way.
Finally I create that toc-file what I mount in the emulator, run the System Card like a Hu-Card game and press start.
I also tried it with WAVE files one time, to see if it maybe is only a broken mp3 support but also no luck.
In the end I also tried this with the latest emulator for PC-Engin games e[mulator] v0.82e but this one didn't even run the game.

Now, could someone here tell me if he or she ever managed to get a PC-Engine CD game running on the PSP with working CD Audio Tracks? I somehow get the feeling that it isn't working yet and so far I didn't read a success story yet, only about many more people who have the same problem like me.

The only thing that keeps me trying are those instructions I found and posted above, why should people write those if it is still not working completely and why telling people that mp3s have to be in 44,000KHz 128Kbps stereo??


September 26th, 2006, 14:26
Wow didnt know this . Thanks i have to try it.

September 26th, 2006, 14:45
I think the sound works if you use pce instead of hue

September 26th, 2006, 16:15
@ Acidburn05: Welcome, please let me know your results, even if they should be negative like mine, I really would like to know other peoples experiences, so far I have read to many "I heard" or "it should" threads ;)

@ jrsmaster411: Thanks, I just tried that one now too. Well, we are getting closer as the audio tracks here indeed work (everything with the iso, mp3, toc files is set up as said above).
However the music tracks sound horribly messed up (they are not broken, tested them on my computer) and don't repeat when finished ones. Also I noticed while testing it with Ys I-II that when you enter the first dungeon the emulator fails switching to the music track of the dungeon and continues playing (or starts again when it finished ones) the overworld music.

But thanks anyway, as I said at least we are getting closer :)

October 2nd, 2006, 06:02
This is killing me...I keep getting a toc read error...and then nothing. My toc file is ok. I don't know if the problem is my iso. I backed up all the files into the iso...so I can't go in to tweak the mp3s...but it was that or I couldn't extract the data.

Anything you guys recommend program wise for this one?

I am trying to do it for Castlevania - Rondo of Blood if that helps. And I have both HuE and PCEP on my card right now. HuE version 0.60 and PCEP 0.70

October 2nd, 2006, 15:39
I backed up all the files into the iso...so I can't go in to tweak the mp3s.


Do you mean you have one big iso for the whole CD and no separate files for the data and audio tracks of the original CD? My theory is that it is not working like this if you use a toc from Necstasy as in these tocs are listed all the tracks separately.
So try to extract all the tracks from the iso or original CD as separate iso/mp3 files and rename the like this as I said above -> 01.mp3, 02.iso, 03.mp3...

It worked for me like this and in PCEP I even heard the mp3s as cd audio tracks, however with poor quality and they didnt loop when finished once.

October 2nd, 2006, 18:06

Do you mean you have one big iso for the whole CD and no separate files for the data and audio tracks of the original CD? My theory is that it is not working like this if you use a toc from Necstasy as in these tocs are listed all the tracks separately.
So try to extract all the tracks from the iso or original CD as separate iso/mp3 files and rename the like this as I said above -> 01.mp3, 02.iso, 03.mp3...

It worked for me like this and in PCEP I even heard the mp3s as cd audio tracks, however with poor quality and they didnt loop when finished once.

What program did you use to extract each track? I was using Alcohol 120% and I could only get it to extract as a BIN file. Then I converted it to an ISO through...awww...shoot, I forget what program I used. I'll have to play with it a bit. Does the TOC file go in the zip?

October 2nd, 2006, 20:23
What program did you use to extract each track? I was using Alcohol 120% and I could only get it to extract as a BIN file. Then I converted it to an ISO through...awww...shoot, I forget what program I used. I'll have to play with it a bit. Does the TOC file go in the zip?

I used cddissect to extract the data tracks as iso files and the audio tracks as mp3 files. It is a small command line tool made by XPort (the great guy who made so many great ports of emulators and games for the old Xbox). He made this little program to rip mega cd games and pc engine cds easy and using them with his emulators on Xbox. But you can use these rips on the PSP as well, you just need to rename the tracks and create the toc yourself (unfortunately you can't use the CUE the tool creates for you on the PSP).

I am not sure about the zip file, I just put all the files (toc, mp3s, isos) together in one folder and copied it on the ms.

If you are not familiar with command line tools, don't worry, this one was made by XPort to make ripping cds easy, in fact you just have to enter one command and the rest is done automatically.

You can download it here:


Here you can read the readme:


You need ASPI layer installed on your system and the file lame_enc.dll (for making the mp3s) has to be in C:\WINDOWS\system32.

October 3rd, 2006, 05:14
Ok..this is driving me crazy.

1. I ripped Castlevania - Rondo of Blood using cddissect. I named it DraculaX...so all the files were DraculaX01.mp3 down to DraculaX22.iso.

2. I then put them all in a folder called DraculaX and renamed all the files to Track 01 to Track 22.

3. I created a toc file from that site and threw it in the folder and called it "DraculaX.toc"(I took off the last entry "Leadout at the end of the list. I didn't think it was important)

4. I dropped the super cd.pce file in the roms folder, and dropped the DraculaX folder in the roms folder as well.

I am still getting the toc read error message. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

October 3rd, 2006, 05:18
Oh so thats wut i have to do, i was left so clueless with my pce games, but thanks for clearing this out ima go give it another shot

October 3rd, 2006, 05:26
and renamed all the files to Track 01 to Track 22.

Here is the mistake, don't call the tracks "Track 01, Track 02...". Just call them "01.mp3, 02.iso, 03.mp3, 04.mp3...". You can call the folder and the toc whatever you want, but the track files must only have those numbers in their names. You can also see here on this Japanese site on a screenshot how the tracks have to be named:


October 3rd, 2006, 07:45
Still having problems...just sent you a private message. I really appriciate all the help you have given me on this. Getting this game to work is a big deal to me...:)

October 3rd, 2006, 10:41
No joy for me either! :(

I've done everthing correct (im use PCE) but it just comes up with the 'toc read error' once its loaded the 'Super CD-ROM2 System V3' file?


October 3rd, 2006, 11:09
No joy for me either! :(

I've done everything correct (im use PCE) but it just comes up with the 'toc read error' once its loaded the 'Super CD-ROM2 System V3' file?


I am not sure if I tested DraculaX with PCE but I heard that it is working there too. But anyway, here how I got it running under HuE (it is done the same way under PCE):

I use this TOC called draculax.toc (you should be allowed to name it whatever you want):

Track 01 Audio 00:02:00 LBA=000000
Track 02 Data 00:53:65 LBA=003890
Track 03 Audio 03:11:14 LBA=014189
Track 04 Audio 04:57:48 LBA=022173
Track 05 Audio 06:00:67 LBA=026917
Track 06 Audio 07:37:09 LBA=034134
Track 07 Audio 09:00:61 LBA=040411
Track 08 Audio 10:05:35 LBA=045260
Track 09 Audio 13:03:60 LBA=058635
Track 10 Audio 14:47:28 LBA=066403
Track 11 Audio 17:28:05 LBA=078455
Track 12 Audio 19:09:58 LBA=086083
Track 13 Audio 21:40:18 LBA=097368
Track 14 Audio 24:07:69 LBA=108444
Track 15 Audio 27:47:51 LBA=124926
Track 16 Audio 30:13:10 LBA=135835
Track 17 Audio 33:28:56 LBA=150506
Track 18 Audio 34:58:29 LBA=157229
Track 19 Audio 36:40:49 LBA=164899
Track 20 Audio 38:40:50 LBA=173900
Track 21 Audio 42:42:12 LBA=192012
Track 22 Data 46:58:62 LBA=211262
Leadout 49:12:12 LBA 221262

I put this file into a folder called draculax together with the mp3s and isos (the game comes with 2 iso files) created with cddissect. The files I renamed 01.mp3, 02.iso, 03.mp3 ... 22.iso.

They must be called like this, not Track 01.mp3 or draculax01.mp3 or whatever!!

When I start HuE I run an HU-Card game and go with L+R+Select into the ingame menu. Here I load the TOC from Draculax. Then I select under roms the CD Rom System Card 3. When the loading screen appears I just press start and the game runs great except you get no CD music (or messed up) and many sound effects are not yet emulated with this one.

October 3rd, 2006, 16:02
I've just got Castlevania working now on PCE so I'm v happy! :) ...Its all jap text, plus its come up with an mp3 error thats currently given me no music (whcih i'm going to try and sort out), but the game is running! ideal!

edit: No joy running the mp3's yet on PCE (it tries each time but then comes up with 'mp3 init error' and fails to play them, and ive renamed them all to '15.mp3' etc), but there is sound effects in-game so thats better than nothing. :) Has anbody got strider working yet (with the correct toc file)????

edit2: Like what was posted here previously, You need to covert the samples for em to work. Everything now works fine! :D

October 3rd, 2006, 16:51
Ok...it looks like I am the only one with the problem now. I am still getting the "cd toc read error" message. Here is what I have done:

I dropped the super cd 300 (j).pce file in:

I put the game files and toc file in:

The folder is named draculax and the toc file is draculax.toc

All the tracks are named "01.mp3, 02.iso, 03.mp3...22.iso"

I boot up PCEP v0.70 and it goes right to my roms folder that lists all the *.pce files. I scroll down to the super cd.pce file and hit circle. It flashes a directory real quick (my guess is the directory for the Dracula X gamefiles)...too fast to see, and then in red, halfway down the screen comes the "cd toc read error"

Then it goes to an audio track screen much like the psx when it is booted with an audio cd...and lets me select the track to play. I have tried playing it here...but nothing happens.

I have also tried moving the toc file out of the draculax folder and into the roms folder. I have also tried zipping the gamefiles with the toc and dropping it in the roms folder too....but I can't get around that error. Any ideas?

Althena77- You said something about loading the toc file...is there some special way to load it after running the super cd file?

October 3rd, 2006, 20:06
Althena77- You said something about loading the toc file...is there some special way to load it after running the super cd file?

Yes, no wonder it is not working ;)

When you just load the Super CD file and press start without loading the toc file, the Super CD System "thinks" there is no CD in the drive and gives you that error message.
PCEP and HuE come with a virtual cd drive like on the pc many burning programs have or daemon tools. You have to load the toc file in there first before running the Super CD System Card.

I mentioned this above, I run any HU-Card game I want and here I press L+R+Select together the same time to get into the ingame menu (you have to do the same in PCEP, not sure if the combination of the buttons is the same). Here you find an option called "cdrom select". Here you can select the toc file of DraculaX or any other CD game you have on the ms. After that choose rom select and choose the Super CD System Card again and press start.

but there is sound effects in-game so thats better than nothing. :)

Yes, but many sound effects are missing, for example:

-when Richter gets hurt by an enemy you are supposed to hear him scream

-when you hit lamps made of glass (most in the first stage) you should hear them clank

-the same goes for the windows some enemies jump through in the first stage

-most enemies have digital voices or screams when they attack Richter or die.

-Death is saying you a few sentences in the opening level

and many many more

I really love this game and it was the one reason why I imported a PC-Engine back then from Japan, so I just can't enjoy the game without the music and all those sound effects, but it is still nice to see that it is running so smooth on the PSP (technically). I hope someone will fix those sound problems soon, so that I can also enjoy this game while travelling :)

October 3rd, 2006, 21:54
Yes, no wonder it is not working ;)

When you just load the Super CD file and press start without loading the toc file, the Super CD System "thinks" there is no CD in the drive and gives you that error message.
PCEP and HuE come with a virtual cd drive like on the pc many burning programs have or daemon tools. You have to load the toc file in there first before running the Super CD System Card.

I mentioned this above, I run any HU-Card game I want and here I press L+R+Select together the same time to get into the ingame menu (you have to do the same in PCEP, not sure if the combination of the buttons is the same). Here you find an option called "cdrom select". Here you can select the toc file of DraculaX or any other CD game you have on the ms. After that choose rom select and choose the Super CD System Card again and press start.

A-hah....now it sounds like I am ready to rock. Ok...I am at work now, but as soon as I get home I am gonna try this, and I let you know if this solves the problem.

I was wondering what you meant by loading a hue-card...I thought you were just referring to loading the super cd card. It is about 2pm for me now.....great, I have to wait until about 6pm before I am home and able to try it. Here is to hoping time goes by fast!

October 3rd, 2006, 23:25
And here I thought that I am a big fan of this game (got myself a DuoEngine from Japan to play it after all) ;)

But being so excited to be able to play it on the PSP, even without most of the music and so many sound effects and voice samples... seems that someone here really loves this game :)

October 4th, 2006, 01:44
Ok..I got it going too...thank you for all your help! This rules!

October 4th, 2006, 03:54
I've been playing DraculaX and other games in the PCE emu for quite some time...What's the diference/improvement that Hue .70 offers over this emulator?(BTW, darkrigannon...I gotta ask about your first post on this thread, regarding this emu....what's NEW about it?....the thing was released last year.) Does it play smoother? With better sound?

Thanks for your time, guys.

Easter Egg!...if you guys want English text for your Rondo of blood game, give this patch a try...


just scroll down to where the Games name is, and download "Dracula X ISO Patch"

Check out the "Full Progress Page" link for pictures of this.


October 4th, 2006, 05:57
Nice...looks like a long time since an update. I hope he didn't give up.

October 4th, 2006, 06:00
Yeah, It still needs translations (subtitles) done for the animated sequences....Not to mention how cool that would be.

October 4th, 2006, 13:56
Yeah, It still needs translations (subtitles) done for the animated sequences....Not to mention how cool that would be.

I agree, that would be very nice :)

Never needed something like this for the opening though :rolleyes:

October 4th, 2006, 21:50
I've got Strider and DrackulaX working on Hue0.7 now, but neither of the games on this emu supports the music MP3's.

On PCE I've got DrackulaX to work with the all the MP3 sounds (although as already mentioned there are a couple sound effects apparently missing)...but I cant get Stirder to load at all on PCE, it loads a screen with a cartoon type strip picture of Strider and has some jap text on it (I assume saying that it's crashed).

So for the two games use PCE for DrackX, cause it plays it spot on with sound (its well worth using the patcher for english text), and use HUE 0.7 to play Stider (but minus the music). ...its still worth it though for strider (if you love the game like me) just for the additional game level and exclusive TurboCD cut scenes/animations. :)

I'll give the few other turbo cd games ago when i get the chance.

Big Thanks to Althena77 and Apoklepz for the assistance in getting me up and running on these emu's (I was starting to lose the plot trying to get my fav old school games to work). :D

Fingers (and toes) crossed we'll have sum future updates on both emu's??

October 4th, 2006, 23:27
but I cant get Stirder to load at all on PCE, it loads a screen with a cartoon type strip picture of Strider and has some jap text on it (I assume saying that it's crashed).

I didn't try Strider in PCE but my theory is that the PCE does not emulate the Arcade Card, which you needed to play it back then on a real PC-Engine, but HuE does.

Does the Japanese text include this word -> アーケードカード ?

This says Arcade Card in Japanese.

Fingers (and toes) crossed we'll have sum future updates on both emu's??

This would be so great :rolleyes:

October 5th, 2006, 01:34
Easter Egg number two for Dracula X:

Try loading the game with the "Super CD-ROM2 System V2.00 (J).pce"...instead of the version 3.00 which normally runs the game in the emulator....

You will then be taken to an alternate Castlevania dimension...Enjoy!

October 5th, 2006, 15:33
I didn't try Strider in PCE but my theory is that the PCE does not emulate the Arcade Card, which you needed to play it back then on a real PC-Engine, but HuE does.

Does the Japanese text include this word -> アーケードカード ?

This says Arcade Card in Japanese.

This would be so great :rolleyes:

Yep there is that text on PCE Strider when it trys to boot up, its also the same error for me the Jap version of GhoulsNGhosts. :(

One game I've tried that works great on PCE is r-type (complete cd version), again its got loada cool animations and mp3 sounds throughout the game... check it! :D

October 5th, 2006, 20:01
One game I've tried that works great on PCE is r-type (complete cd version), again its got loada cool animations and mp3 sounds throughout the game... check it! :D

Yay,,,I was going to try that next! I also have Far East of Eden and Record of Lodoss War II. I may try those, but there is no translation patch for them...:(

October 6th, 2006, 12:10
To easily rip a PCE CD, you can you use a program called TurboRip which allows you to rip you PCE CD games in a format (iso+mp3+toc) that can be directly recognized by the PCEP 7.0 emulator.
You have to use the command prompt to rip the game

- Put the TurboRip folder at the root of C:

- Open a command prompt (from Start/Accessory)and type " CD TurboRip " to reach to TurboRip folder,

( No need to type anything else as the TurboRip folder is at the root of the C: directory)

- Then type " TurboRip /? " to make appear the different commands.

- Press enter to make appear additional commands like "PCEP"

- To choose a command, for example PCEP, type " TurboRip/PCEP "

- Then choose the number of the CD/DVD drive where the original game is found to rip the game.

I already ripped some games this way and it works.

However there will still be audio stutters during mp3 playback (it's due to the emulator)

turborip download


October 6th, 2006, 18:41
Easter Egg number two for Dracula X:

Try loading the game with the "Super CD-ROM2 System V2.00 (J).pce"...instead of the version 3.00 which normally runs the game in the emulator....

You will then be taken to an alternate Castlevania dimension...Enjoy!

I've just tried this, and your dead right that its another dimension! lol ...I thought it was a complete mini-game at first with the cute sprites and random backgrounds! lol

Any idea what the text is in the background at the end (or is it just saying get the newer system version)? ...or what the girl character is saying when you meet her? ....I've tried beating her with my whip (:eek:), but nothing really happens.

Nice egg. :D

October 6th, 2006, 19:29
Any idea what the text is in the background at the end (or is it just saying get the newer system version)? ...or what the girl character is saying when you meet her?

Not sure if you can call it an Easter egg as this "secret level" is quite famous ;)
The text at the end means just as you already guessed, that for this game is a "Super CD Rom 2" game and you should "please" use the Super System Card. Normally games produced for the Super System Card would just show you this text when you try to play it with an older System Card, with a nice artwork, but Konami here had this funny idea to make this strange short level; maybe they hoped to shock some people with this :D

This girl at the end is Maria, the second playable character in the real game you can rescue in the second stage. I don't remember right now, what she was saying there at the end, but I can check this again later. I don't think it was something special, maybe just something like "Oh my god", "What a pity" or "Sorry." ;)

By the way, how is the quality of the MP3s for you when you play Dracula X and R-Type in PCE? When I tested Dracula X and Ys I-II on PCE the audio tracks didn't work very gook. They were stuttering, didn't loop when finished ones and often when I entered a different location the music didn't change. Is it working better for you?

October 6th, 2006, 20:38
or what the girl character is saying when you meet her?

OK, checked it again and what she says is "gomenne" what means "Sorry!" and is a short and less formal version of "gomennasai" what you could translate as "I am very sorry!"

I think they let her say "gomenne" to let her look more like a little child she is that still doesn't know how to speak polite, because the text in the background is more formal, but maybe she is also not speaking to the player/customer but to Richter.

October 6th, 2006, 23:45
Not sure if you can call it an Easter egg as this "secret level" is quite famous ;)
The text at the end means just as you already guessed, that for this game is a "Super CD Rom 2" game and you should "please" use the Super System Card. Normally games produced for the Super System Card would just show you this text when you try to play it with an older System Card, with a nice artwork, but Konami here had this funny idea to make this strange short level; maybe they hoped to shock some people with this :D

This girl at the end is Maria, the second playable character in the real game you can rescue in the second stage. I don't remember right now, what she was saying there at the end, but I can check this again later. I don't think it was something special, maybe just something like "Oh my god", "What a pity" or "Sorry." ;)

By the way, how is the quality of the MP3s for you when you play Dracula X and R-Type in PCE? When I tested Dracula X and Ys I-II on PCE the audio tracks didn't work very gook. They were stuttering, didn't loop when finished ones and often when I entered a different location the music didn't change. Is it working better for you?

The sounds for DrackX and Rtype sound spot on to me with PCE. I've converted em to: sample rate 44100 and Bitrate 128. All the mp3s seem to play fine without stuttering at all! :)

Thnaks for the egg info on DrackX. :D

October 6th, 2006, 23:52
Not sure if you can call it an Easter egg as this "secret level" is quite famous ;)

By the way, how is the quality of the MP3s for you when you play Dracula X and R-Type in PCE? When I tested Dracula X and Ys I-II on PCE the audio tracks didn't work very gook. They were stuttering, didn't loop when finished ones and often when I entered a different location the music didn't change. Is it working better for you?

Quite famous?...lol. Yeah, not everybody around here knows their PC Engine stuff as well as you and me, mate...Some might even think it's an emulator for PC games...That's why I labeled it "Easter Egg" in the first place.

Mp3 quality in the last version of PCE for PSP is quite frankly what you posted, I'm afraid...Stuttering tracks that don't loop when finished. This emulator is wailing for an update. You might also notice that the games run much smoother when the tracks stop playing, or if there's simply no BG music playing at all. The only tunes that play nice are in the rooms where you are about to face a boss, because they were built into the iso parts of the game.


The sounds for DrackX and Rtype sound spot on to me with PCE. I've converted em to: sample rate 44100 and Bitrate 128. All the mp3s seem to play fine without stuttering at all! :)

Whaaa?!:eek: You crazy Baboon!...I hope you speak truth!:p I might have to check the bitrate on my tracks, but I do remember having them converted to a sample rate of 44100....That's weird:confused: .

October 7th, 2006, 17:22
The sounds for DrackX and Rtype sound spot on to me with PCE. I've converted em to: sample rate 44100 and Bitrate 128. All the mp3s seem to play fine without stuttering at all! :)

Wow, this sounds great, so no stuttering, the music also loops after finishing the track once and also doesn't fail to switch to another track when you enter another stage???

If it really works so great for you, please tell me:

- which version of PCEP do you use? 0.7 or an older version?

- what are your video/audio settings in PCEP? Did you change something there or did it work just with the default settings?

- which program did you use for creating the mp3s, cddissect or another one?

October 7th, 2006, 19:44
OK, I managed to get the MP3 tracks to run crystal clear with Baboon's format description...still, they don't loop at all when the track is done...I used Audacity, since it's freeware...Good luck with this, althena77...use the default settings on the emu's last version 0.7.

October 8th, 2006, 01:01
But for Drac X they only play for a while and then stop...no looping or anything. As I recall the songs loop in the game normally.

October 8th, 2006, 10:28
The prog I used is to covert em is (and I'm sure its freeware because you havent got to register it to use it): http://www.nesoft.org/alt-mp3-bitrate-converter.shtml

ALL of the samples are crystal clear. I cant confirm if they all loop correctly or not, cause I simply havent had the time to test em out... but I defo aint no crazy Baboon! lol :D

October 11th, 2006, 22:01
I've played with DrackX a liitle bit longer now, and I have to say that you guys were correct in saying that the music doesnt loop once its played right through. :(

With R-type (complete cd versiobn) everything does seems cool though.

October 12th, 2006, 00:44
I have yet to try R-Type....I have been lazy at converting it. Does anyone know if Xak III works? My version froze....I hope the disk is ok. Magic Engine didn't have a problem with it.