View Full Version : Good or Bad Reviews Not Affecting Sales

September 24th, 2006, 22:09
Via Gamasutra

In fact, the study found that by increasing the sample, "only 15.8% of the movement in game unit sales ... can be explained by movements in game ratings," a figure down from its original 17.3% from the sample of 275 games.

To help try and trap for other factors that might explain the findings, the authors looked specifically at franchise correlation, including sequels and new franchises, and selected data from other consoles, in all cases failing to find sufficient direct score to sales matches outside extreme isolated cases.

In conclusion, the authors state, "a theory (that game ratings matter) that fails under scrutiny is accepted as conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom is wrong. And we have not even addressed the causation argument – that a higher rating causes a game to sell better.