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View Full Version : Building the second tiniest Tetris

October 19th, 2011, 01:04
A few years ago, [Richard] pulled a crushed camcorder out of a junk box at a hamfest. After pulling the half-inch CRT out of the viewfinder, he needed to find a project. [Richard] ended up building the second tiniest game of Tetris (http://www.decadecounter.com/vta/articleview.php?item=547) we’ve ever seen.
After futzing around with the CRT, [Richard] discovered that one of the pins would accept an NTSC input. He also found a similar project (http://www.electronixandmore.com/project/17.html) that used a dime-sized CRT to play Tetris. With ready to go code, [Richard] started assembling his project into a handsome wooden box.
There are two PCBs for the build – a CRT driver circuit, and a small custom board that handles the game and controller code. The circuit for the game board was found onthis site (http://www.rickard.gunee.com/projects/video/pic/gamesys.php), but the featured boards there were too large for the project. A stripped-down board was fabricated by BatchPCB and put into the box.
There aren’t any controls on the console itself, for that a standard DB-9 connector was installed so a vintage Atari joystick could be used. For a more ergonomic Tetris experience, a Sega Genesis controller could be used. For something that looks like it comes out a steampunk laboratory, playing Tetris is a bit unexpected. Check out the demo video of the screen at 20x magnification after the break.
