View Full Version : Android Source Code Gone For Good?

October 20th, 2011, 22:42
Many people were upset at the revelation, reported here in May, that the Honeycomb version of Android would not be open sourced (http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/05/11/0041250/android-honeycomb-will-not-be-open-sourced). But Google promised that the next version, Ice Cream Sandwich, would have full source available. Now that ICS is out, though, the source is nowhere in sight (http://groups.google.com/group/android-building/browse_thread/thread/ade6fcd847fbb3fb?pli=1). In the thread, Android's Jean-Baptiste Queru offers the following, as to the question of whether source will ever be made available: 'At the moment I don't have anything to say on that subject
