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View Full Version : IGF Pirate Kart collects 300 indie games

October 20th, 2011, 22:46
A collective of indie developers has bundled over 300 games together into the IGF Pirate Kart. The compilation came about as a way for the developers to share the $95 entrance fee for the Independent Games Festival, removing the barrier to entry for less polished, more experimental game ideas.
"People are entering the games that they are proud of, but not "big" or "polished" or "real" enough to be worth the entry fee." writes indie developer Mike Meyer on the IGF Pirate Kart website.
"The pirate kart represents a different side of indie games, one that I think is far more interesting -- and one that's maybe not so easily represented in the IGF," says VVVVVV (http://www.next-gen.biz/reviews/review-vvvvvv) developer and Pirate Kart contributor Terry Cavanagh. "That's why I'd love to see a pirate kart enter the festival. Not as a protest, but with complete sincerity."
You can download the 1.36GB worth of games and try them for yourself by following the source link below.
