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View Full Version : Blizzard Announces New WoW Expansion: Mists of Pandaria

October 22nd, 2011, 00:31
Blizzcon 2011 kicked off today, and the biggest announcement from the opening ceremonies was the development ofa new expansion for World of Warcraft (http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2515-Mists-of-Pandaria-is-the-next-WoW-Expansion). Titled Mists of Pandaria (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/mists-of-pandaria/), the expansion will focus on the battle between the Horde and the Alliance instead of a traditional Big Bad Enemy. There will be both a new race — Pandaren — and a new class — Monk. The level cap will be raised to 90, there will be "challenge mode" dungeons, and they're introducing a pet battle system. Blizzard also mentioned that people who buy a 12-month subscription to WoW will get a copy of Diablo 3 for free.
