View Full Version : problem...PLZ!?!?!?!?I REALLY NEED HELP FOR MY RELEASE HERE!

September 26th, 2006, 17:47
i have a ultimate homebrew package ready for release....JUST ONE BIG PROBLEM: i can't host it here! it's too big the file is around 57mb and i can't find a place to host it! plz someone help me!!!:o

September 26th, 2006, 17:55
hello? plz need help...

September 26th, 2006, 17:59
Use a different hosting site like Megaupload or something. Or you could send it to Wraggster to upload...

September 26th, 2006, 18:01
how does that work?

September 26th, 2006, 18:06
i'll use megaupload it looks good

September 26th, 2006, 18:20
Also, www.yousendit.com, www.rapidshare.de .

September 26th, 2006, 18:23
So when will you release it. What ever it is

September 26th, 2006, 19:31
hopefully in an hour

September 26th, 2006, 19:32
will contain the following things!

gpsp: GBA emulator (GBA bios needed!)

PSPVICE: Commordore 64 emu!


rin test: Gb/Gbc emulator!

Smashgpsp: super smash bros remake!

DGEN: the Sega megadrive emu!

PSPM: master system and game gear emu!

Daedulus: n64 emulator!

snes9xtyl: snes emulator with media engine

Luaplayer: plays lua scripts apps and games!

psp-ftpd: an ftp server for your psp (zx-81's great work ;) )

CPS1: CPS1 capcom emulator (as suggested by mokoto)

CPS2: CPS2 capcom emulator (as suggested by mokoto)

PSpectrum: Spectrum emulator (as suggested by dejkirkby)

PSPUAE: Amiga emulator (as suggested by dejkirkby)

THEMEPSP: Edit firmware's in devhook (recommended for experienced users :D) (as suggested by dejkirkby)

X-FLASH: ...I Don't know what it does :P (as suggested by dejkirkby...again)

IRIS 0.2 with the following mods:

star wars model pack

up high map

princess peach castle alpha map (guess who suggested to put in this? dejkirkby...thx :) )

PSPRADIO!: an radio for psp using wlan!

MAPTHIS!: a gps used with WLAN!

Scrabble Assistant: hehe i liked it :P

afkim: a messenger client for psp!

unzip: unzip files on your psp without a pc (great with links web browser)

links web browser: browse the internet without 2.6 firmware!