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View Full Version : Heres how to get saving working for DS Doom on M3 ... also WAD problems, any help?

September 26th, 2006, 21:09


Figured out the problem, if your M3 wont save doom, if you have the same problem, do this and it should work, it did for me..

dump prboom.cfg, prboom.dat and doom.wad on the root, patch dsdoom.nds through the M3 Game Manager and dump on the root, then heres what was missed out on there site, and now makes it work, create a blank document and name it tranmap.dat and create another blank document, name that prbmsav0.dsg, dump those on the root too.

Now it works for me, hopefully it stays that way.

Ok, heres what I need help on

WAD's... well i went here: http://www.doomwadstation.com/main/tc.html and tried as many single WAD files as i could, renaming them doom.wad and putting them on root, but it can never find the WAD's, only ever found the proper doom 1 wad when i used that, if anyone has gotten WAD's working, please link me to where you got them or what i've done wrong, all i really want is star wars, counterstrike and goldeneye.

Thanks for any help guyss.

September 27th, 2006, 18:44
Editted my posts as now I can get saving to work, but still need help on WAD's.

September 27th, 2006, 19:14
Well its only been a few saves and its glitched again, I tried to load a save, and got "P_UnArchiveThinkers: Unknown tcl I_ShutdownSound:" then it frozen, wonderful.


September 27th, 2006, 19:28
WAD's... well i went here: http://www.doomwadstation.com/main/tc.html and tried as many single WAD files as i could, renaming them doom.wad and putting them on root, but it can never find the WAD's, only ever found the proper doom 1 wad when i used that, if anyone has gotten WAD's working, please link me to where you got them or what i've done wrong, all i really want is star wars, counterstrike and goldeneye.

Are the WAD's you're trying to use IWAD's or PWAD's? Most WAD files out there for download are PWAD's (Patch WAD's). They do not contain all the info for an entire game. They are meant to be patched on top of the core IWAD (usually this is Doom2.wad).

Unfortunately, DSDoom currently doesn't support PWAD's, however you can merge the PWAD you want to play with the core doom2.wad file to get one IWAD that will run in DSDoom. You can find instructions on how to do this as well as a link to the utility you need here:


-=The Jesster:Gatchaba Goose=-

The Hombrew Hunter
September 27th, 2006, 20:24
doom2.wad didn't work for me.

Doom.wad worked however.

September 28th, 2006, 19:08
doom2.wad didn't work for me.

Doom.wad worked however.

If you rename doom2.wad to doom.wad it should work.

-=The Jesster: Gatchaba Goose=-

September 29th, 2006, 22:13

Thanks for the help, unfortunatly the link to Wintex 5.0 seems to be broken, and I can't find Winex 5.0 anywhere else :(, I also can't find a Doom 2 IWAD, I managed to get a Freedoom IWAD to work, laggy, but atleast I got something to work.

If anyone can link me to where i could download Doom 2 IWAD and/or Wintex 5.0 that'd be great.

P.s saving still doesn't work, it'll save on the earlier levels, but once i get so far it will save, and freeze next time i try to load it.