View Full Version : New Zealand Story Revolution Preview

September 27th, 2006, 00:14
Heres an excerpt

Let's get one thing right out the way: we're not massive fans of Taito's previous DS "re-imaginings" of its classic franchises, Bubble Bobble and Rainbow Island. Ultimately, where the developer failed was in its mistaken belief that audiences would delight in having their dewy-eyed nostalgia ripped apart by awkward touch-screen gimmickry, shoe-horned into bona fide classics under the guise of gameplay "innovation".

With that out the way, here's the good news: Taito has shown remarkable restraint in its handling of New Zealand Story Revolution - which is probably wise given the original game's fanatical following. In case you're not a member of the NZS brotherhood, Taito's classic sees you stepping into the sneakers of Tiki, a yellow kiwi bird, in a bid to rescue your feathered friends from the clutches of an evil leopard seal, following their abduction from the zoo. Shakespeare it ain't, but what the original game did have was old-skool charm by the bucketload - with some of the most memorable characters, levels and tunes ever wrangled into binary. It's also a complete ******* of a game thanks to its arcade roots.

Full article at IGN (http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/735/735405p1.html)