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View Full Version : The "Four things on your mind right now"

July 23rd, 2004, 07:37
Four things on your mind right now dudes.
Post them.........

1) Why is there crap all on TV
2) *swares uncontrollably*
3) ..............
4) mmmmm.........weed

July 23rd, 2004, 14:52
1.moving out of my crappy city
3.downloading things
4.watching old wrestling tapes

July 25th, 2004, 06:14
1.why can i here bussted from my sisters cd player
2.this site is cool
3.my feet are cold
4.valhalla and the avalanche are the best rides at blackpool which i went on last friday

July 25th, 2004, 09:18
1.Recovering from drinking
2.More Sleep for work tonight
4.watch shrek 2
5.and there is no number 5 made you look

July 25th, 2004, 11:52
1. How much I hate the internet at times.
2. How much I hate the internet at times.
3. How much I hate the internet at times.
4. How much I hate the internet at times.

People should keep their viewpoints to themselves or learn how to tolerate it before they start with the off-handed banter.