View Full Version : Command and Conquer Clone for DS Project News

September 28th, 2006, 00:10
More news from the Command and Conquer Clone for DS Project:

You can now enter a map and return to the main menu over and over again.. yay! I've also changed the graphics system so it's easier to tell it if you're drawing to the primary screen or the secondary screen. This sounds really minor but has a big effect on my GUI system. Still got some design desicions on how it will span two screen nicely to make.

And now for a minor rant: using WinCVS is such a pain! I've connected to the sourceforge CVS but I still don't know how to get a copy of the source code. I've tried to check out a module and failed miserably. Why is it so unfriendly? I'm sure once you've gone through the whole process once it's easy but right now it's just annoying lol. I might give it another shot later, but for now I just downloaded all the latest libs I could find under the Files section. If anyone fancies going on the CVS, getting the latest version, zipping up the files and emailing them to me you'd be a total legend :)

More Info --> http://cncds_project.livejournal.com/