View Full Version : Rainbow Six shoots to kill on PSP

September 29th, 2006, 16:09
News Via CVG (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=146900)

Yesterday we gave you our exclusive hands-on with Rainbow Six Vegas on the Xbox 360, but that doesn't mean we've forgotten about the PSP iteration of the tactical squad-based shooter.

Featuring new content and characters from the next-gen versions, the PSP version is looking stunning. Ubisoft told us that the portable version will feature a "tailored control system built specifically for the system", which is a given, but didn't go into further details about what form this would actually take. Hopefully Ubi has learned some lessons from the wonky controls of that other Tom Clancy PSP game, Splinter Cell Essentials...

Fortunately, Vegas will take advantage of team multiplayer, allowing you and five mates to compete in either wireless (ad-hoc) or online play in Survival and Team Survival on six classic Rainbow Six maps.

Rainbow Six Vegas is currently planning to storm the PSP before the end of the year.

Screens at Link Above