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View Full Version : SSNES v0.9.1

October 31st, 2011, 23:24
via http://www.emucr.com/

SSNES v0.9.1 is released. SSNES is a simple frontend for the libsnes library. libsnes is the emulator core of bSNES, the most accurate SNES emulator to date, in library form. The libsnes API has been implemented by SNES9x as well, allowing multiple different cores to be used for an emulator that supports libsnes. This enables the possibility of custom front-ends for the emulator.

SSNES v0.9.1 Changelog:
- Fix build for Clang.
- Fix deprecation warnings in FFmpeg.
- Juse more sane SSE optimizations for sample conversions.
- Allow screenshots while paused.
- Check more explicitly for XVideo/Xext libraries.
- More accurate colors for rewind.
- Screenshot directory now defaults to ROM directory.
- Allow additional meta-keys to be read within Python scripts.
- Use floating point uniforms for state tracker.
- Add backwards compatible extension to libsnes allowing much better handling of window geometries.
- Change default aspect ratio handling to 1:1 PAR.
- Add Select all/Clear all to log window in Phoenix.
- Fix strange bug causing random events to fire off in Phoenix (Windows).
- Several bugfixes.
