View Full Version : Shoud I?

October 1st, 2006, 01:11
Should i upgrade to 2.71?

October 1st, 2006, 02:15
NOOOO...stay wherever u are, or downgrade to 1.5. then u can have all the best stuff AND devhook, which allows u too have FW 2.71

October 1st, 2006, 03:03
I would if I were in your conditions. You have a TA-082 motherboard on your PSP, and at the moment there isn't a working downgrader for your hardware( I do believe one is being worked on, though.)

You can also access flash still on 2.71. I don't know a whole lot about it since I do not own a PSP with that firmware, but I do know there is downgraders and things you can install so you can just launch homebrew via the XMB menu like a 1.50 PSP.

October 1st, 2006, 05:07
>LoL post in help

October 1st, 2006, 05:16
Here's some stuff u shud know that may affect your decision to upgrade or not.

Firstly, 0okm is working on a ta-082 downgrader but it's only for PSPs that were originally 2.5s. He gave them the thumbs up to upgrade to 2.71.

Secondly, regarding

NOOOO...stay wherever u are, or downgrade to 1.5. then u can have all the best stuff AND devhook, which allows u too have FW 2.71

If he upgrades, he'll be able to use reverse devhook on 2.71 and be able to use everything a 1.5 can use. There's currently no available donwgrader and the only one in the works would be what 0okm is working on.

Take all the time you need, the situation you're in is very sticky. I was in it before and i upgraded :)

October 1st, 2006, 06:16
I would wait a week or two, I think dark_alex has a few more tricks up his sleeve for his homebrew enabler.

October 1st, 2006, 09:46
NOOOO...stay wherever u are, or downgrade to 1.5. then u can have all the best stuff AND devhook, which allows u too have FW 2.71

He has a TA-082 motherboard

so he cant downgrade yet anyway

October 1st, 2006, 10:54
Mods, can someone close some of this guys threads. he has at least 4 saying the same things.

October 5th, 2006, 05:26
if hes ta-082 and NOT 1.5 he might as friggin well.

October 5th, 2006, 05:36
Yup, seen the duplicate threads. Thanks dejkirkby (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/member.php?u=27537). If anybody does see a thread that need to be closed, do not hesitate to PM me or somebody else.