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View Full Version : PSP: FW2.50 TA-082 SoftDown to 1.50

October 3rd, 2006, 03:35
0okm posted the following on his site:

this program NOW just support FW2.50
FW2.60/2.71 please wait

if your PSP is FW2.50 TA-082 and you
1. Trust me & support me
2. Agree NOT share my program & softdowned FW dump data to anyone
3. you know "Flash write" program may brick the PSP and Use it at your own Risk
4. you have a "ISP email Acc"

Q: Why need Trust me ?
A: because you need to give me your "ISP email", "PSP Serial Number" and "FW dump DATA".

Q: Why can't shared my program to other
A: because each program just for one PSP, other PSP use it will brick !!

Q: What happen if you shared my program or softdowned FW dump data to anyone ?
A: i will RELEASE ALL your personal information and STOP help people SoftDown !!!

if you Accept all above conditions you can send a email to [email protected] with Subject "I Accept all SoftDown conditions" by your "ISP email Acc" and i will reply a email to you
and tell you how to send me the "PSP Serial Number" and "FW dump DATA"

if you can't Accept and you hope have a FW1.50 PSP
you can buy it from my sponsor (FW1.50 PSP just US$189.00) they provide PSP to me to test my program
so i help them to SoftDown some PSP :P

Source (http://0okm.blogspot.com/2006/10/psp-fw250-ta-082-softdown-now-start.html)

admin - Im sure he has had plenty of volunteers already, my advice to DCEmu visitors and members is to sit back and see how it progresses.

October 3rd, 2006, 04:15
So, does this support factory 2.71 PSPs?

October 3rd, 2006, 04:30
No. It only downgrades 2.50 ta-082's. Soon 2.60, 2.71 will be added.

October 3rd, 2006, 04:46
i guess you beat me to the news i was just about to post this, dude this should be on the front page its really important you should tell wraggster about it, anyways this i great news i hope Ookom is able to downgrade the 2.6 and 2.7 psps :D

October 3rd, 2006, 05:12
i thought he told all the "factory 2.5 TA-082 mobo" users to upgrade to 2.71 and he would beable to downgrade them?

October 3rd, 2006, 05:15
yea blazed I thought the same thing when I had read it in some blog thing.

Mr. Shizzy
October 3rd, 2006, 10:27
This is very cool of 0okm. Especially b/c each PSP must be downgraded one by one, and he's doing it out of the kindness of his heart. Great news! :D

October 3rd, 2006, 12:49
This is exciting stuff, especially if it can be used for 2.60, 2.70, & 2.71 PSP's in the future.

But doesn't 0okm realize that he could end up with thousands of request for this eventually? If he is willing to accept that kind of workload, that is very admirable.

Also, why does he insist that you use your ISP given E-mail? I found that sort of strange.

October 3rd, 2006, 12:56
hmm...wads ISP email supposed to be?
edit:oh god i don't have 1

anyway if i'm not mistaken this is for originally 2.5 ta-082s. meaning it would work on 2.6 and 2.71 that were upgraded from 2.5...i could be wrong though

October 3rd, 2006, 13:28
This is awesome news, too bad I have a fatory 2.50 and updated to 2.71 for the reverse devhook, and now I down't even want to downgrade, the reverse is pretty much the same thing now that the homebrew enabler is all stable.

October 3rd, 2006, 13:53
but u don't need to use reverse devhook if u got a 1.5 and u don't need to launch hen either...lol

i look forward to the day that i can downgrade

October 3rd, 2006, 15:00
what stupid pelple will wanna downgrdae?
i don get it
first: eloader
second homebrew enabler
4rd pspnews site
5 information
only a noob will downgrade

October 3rd, 2006, 15:01
i dont know about u, but my friend has a ta=082 and runs homebrew fine via devhook, and had no risk and no wory, and no need dongrading

October 3rd, 2006, 15:26
what stupid pelple will wanna downgrdae?
i don get it
first: eloader
second homebrew enabler
4rd pspnews site
5 information
only a noob will downgrade

Hahaha 4rd...anyway...can't you appreciate that someone is taking their own free time to personally downgarde people's PSPs??? Wow that's pretty ungrateful...

October 3rd, 2006, 15:32
Man, some girl broke my 1.5 PSP in a matter of an hour at school, even though I'd been using it for weeks without problems, so I have to buy a new one (her money, of course)... With this, I don't have to worry about finding an old or downgradeable PSP. Game stores always freak out if you're purposefully looking for a 1.5 (or potential 1.5) PSP.

October 3rd, 2006, 15:38
who the hell does that?

October 3rd, 2006, 17:59
only a noob will downgrade

So you are saying who has downgraded are noobs coders have probaly downgraded loads of people have downgraded and you calling them noobs

More like you are a NOOB

October 3rd, 2006, 19:20
Risky thing he's doing, but taking risks may be important if the cause is worthwhile.

October 3rd, 2006, 19:53
GREAT NEWS NOW to wait for the 2.6 ta downgrader I can't wait WAAAAAAA

October 3rd, 2006, 20:58
Q: What happen if you shared my program or softdowned FW dump data to anyone ?
A: i will RELEASE ALL your personal information and STOP help people SoftDown !!!

hahahhahhahahaha gave me a good laugh :)

October 3rd, 2006, 21:19
Maybe he can make the process easier and then release it with a good tutorial.

October 3rd, 2006, 21:29
Maybe he can make the process easier and then release it with a good tutorial.

I'm sure he has made it as easy as he can ;) Noone wants to do more work than he has to :)


October 3rd, 2006, 21:38
hahahhahhahahaha gave me a good laugh :)
that's only cuz another persons softdown program is made for only them and will brick whoever tries to use it unless it's the person's personal softdown program, he will release the person's info(if the share they share the spftdown proggy with others) so people don't use his softdown program and end up with a brick...what's funny about that? :cool:

October 4th, 2006, 04:03
this is good news for me. but im wonderin... should i wait for dark_alex to make 2.71 the golden fw or should i softdown to 1.5? will keep an eye out for now.:D

October 4th, 2006, 05:18
I'm going to softdown once I they release the 2.6 firmware version. Can't wait!!

October 4th, 2006, 08:53
i'll have trouble if that's ever out...lol
i ain't got a email account from my ISP....sheesh

October 4th, 2006, 23:42
:( :mad: :eek:

I guess my 2.71 TA-082 PSP will never be downgraded :mad:

This is what Ookm said today:
PSP FW2.50 TA-082 SoftDown STOP NOW :P

someone try to crack my gMail account
and someone discredited me with ugly gossip
so PSP FW2.50 TA-082 SoftDown STOP NOW :P

All Donation was refunded
Thanks all of your Support :)

money, i have not much, but enough :P

PSP hack just my hobby :P