View Full Version : PiMPStreamer 0.75

October 3rd, 2006, 11:54
DickyDick1969 (http://pimpware.pspstart.de/)has once again updated his movie streaming app for the PSP, heres the news:

I digged into the audio sync issue when doing time-skips (big jump forward)… In order to calculate the correction for audio frames I need to know the n-th videoframe after a timeskip.. To do a timeskip, ffmpeg uses the internal index of the video file.. BUT ffmpeg keeps the frame-offset information private (in a private codec data block) so in order to get it I should make exceptions for every codec… And that was too much work … So I decided to do it the easy way.. You can adjust the audio sync when playing.. Pressing X and then LEFT or RIGHT will delay/speedup the audio 10 ms…

uploaded 0.75…
- fine tune audio sync while playing (CROSS-LEFT minus 10ms / CROSS-RIGHT add 10ms)
- Picture copy to memory stick as PNG/JPG (pressing LTRIGGER and RTRIGGER at once)
- Direct jump to top of dirlisting with RTRIGGER and UP
- Jump 20 item down with RTRIGGER AND DOWN
- Fix the auto play bug
- Auto tag images (=slideshow) (if you select an image without being in playlist, it will play until a non-image is reached)
- Better download indicator of rss feed

Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

October 3rd, 2006, 12:48
Excellent. This is a great program. One of my favorites.

October 3rd, 2006, 13:02
This is a great app. Definitely one of my favorites. I love jumping onto an AP when taking my son to soccer practice and watching a tv episode on my PSP. :D

dark zarkon
October 3rd, 2006, 13:15
doesn't work with irshell 2.2, have anyone tried?
works from sony's dashboard...

October 3rd, 2006, 14:01
I can't get every folders I chose in the "media path" to apear on the PSP. Some drives never show.
Also it seems connexion failes after a few minutes of inactivity and I have to reset the wifi on my PC.Though it may be a bug on my PC.
Please keep up the work, this soft is so usefull.

October 3rd, 2006, 20:36
Good news

October 3rd, 2006, 22:08
This is a great app. Definitely one of my favorites. I love jumping onto an AP when taking my son to soccer practice and watching a tv episode on my PSP. :D
Wait a minute! How does that work? You can configure this to get a sort of "remote access" to your PC from any HotSpot?

October 3rd, 2006, 22:11

October 4th, 2006, 00:02
this app is awesome! :D

Wait a minute! How does that work? You can configure this to get a sort of "remote access" to your PC from any HotSpot?no, unless they changed it so you can.

October 4th, 2006, 00:22
How do I encode files in PMP format? Or can I use any video file?


Nevermind, seems to work with any video file.

October 4th, 2006, 00:36
pimpstreamer cant play PMP files. it can use these AVI,ASF,M4V,VOB,MP4,MPG,MPEG,MP3,WMA,OGG,

October 4th, 2006, 00:39
Yeah gave it a shot and it worked, thanks though. This is indeed a good application.

October 4th, 2006, 01:04
Has anyone found that video is more stuttery with version .75? I'm right next to my WAP and video is practically unwatchable.

From what I gather .75 is only an update to the PC/server side of things and not the PSP end of the deal -- so nothing has changed on my PSP and that's not the problem, Double checked the Wifi connection and that is 100% and stable.

One last problem, restarting video after stopping or setting the video time hangs the PSP. What used to happen with .74 is that audio would be out of sync and/or the video would be running very slow.

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problems...

October 4th, 2006, 01:42
I tried a small WMV, about 2 megs at 30 seconds. Seemed fine to me, except the volume was too low. I am ripping a DVD I have into DivX now to test it, will let you know what happens.

October 4th, 2006, 01:46
you can make the volume louder by pressing O and then press up or right on the d-pad. i cant remember which button.

October 4th, 2006, 03:09
Tried it with a Divx DVD rip of Return of the King Extended addition. Works great!! Once in a while gets a bit choppy with the audio and video, but its not bad. Its bearable. (I believe its the crappy WiFI antenna in the PSP that causes it).

October 4th, 2006, 03:23
Is there a file size limit for the videos?

October 4th, 2006, 03:32
I doubt it. I didn't check to see how big my DVD rip was, but I assure you it was no less than 1 gig (I'd be surprised if it was less than that, but I doubt it).

Watched about 15 minutes of it without a problem, then messing with the options accidentally hit triangle, which stops the movie.

October 4th, 2006, 20:49
This application is awesome, been ripping some DVDs of mine to use with it. So far, I must say, it is a great app. Works beautifully, with little problem.

I think the best way to work it is with a wireless router, with a computer acting as a server with a wired connection to the router. That ensures maximum speed through the wireless of the PSP (as opposed to 11mbits through 1 wireless card to the PSP's 11 mbits).

I am gonna watch a movie on it straight through and give you all my review.

October 5th, 2006, 03:27
I downgraded somewhat recently and have a couple homebrew apps, but pimpstreamer gives me trouble.

Does anyone know a good tutorial I could use? I'm a n00b and can't find a good tutorial that covers every step in setting up pimpstreamer.

edit: what are the signature restrictions for this site? Mine is 75x300 and doesn't seem to be showing up

October 5th, 2006, 03:29
What are you having trouble with, I may be able to help you.

October 5th, 2006, 04:14
I'm so pissed....i love this app soo much...but when i downloaded this new version it doesnt work! When I start the app it loads up then it asks me to select what connection i want to use. I use my working connection and it goes thru steps 1-4 after that it takes me to a screen that says

"Current Stream is" and just has a blank spot where my usual files are no files...anybody know how to fix this? ANYONE???

October 5th, 2006, 04:24
Are you running PimpStreamer Server on your PC


Are you sure thats the right IP to the server? You can change Server IPs in the pmp.ini file in the Pimpstreamer folder on the PSP.

October 5th, 2006, 04:32
Yea I checked the IP after it did the automatic install and etc. and yea im running it on my psp...this just doesnt make any sense...this problem has happened before but it was working for me with the last version...any suggestions?

October 5th, 2006, 04:38
I mean are you running it on your PC.

If you are, check to make sure your firewall isn't blocking it. You may also need to use the new version of the server, in case you are using the older server with the new PSP version.

October 6th, 2006, 00:17
I installed pimpstreamer on the computer. Then Installed the psp binaries to the psp. Ran the program on computer.

On the psp side of things the program goes through all 4 stages of connection through the port I forwarded for Pimpstreamer, but at the end it says "test failed" which I once thought was because of a broken rss feed, but I just installed some windows update and it no longer is broken

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

October 6th, 2006, 05:55
OMG get through one bug and here comes another...i finally got my psp to pull up the drives and my folders...then as soon as i play a file for like 2 seconds it freezes...any word on whatsup with this??? i think other people have had this problem...any suggestions?


October 6th, 2006, 06:40
The only thing I can say is reinstall the program to both PSP and PC and try again.

Make sure firewalls allow PimpStreamer to access the network and net (for RSS feeds to work) and check to see if the necessary ports are open; I think 3333 is the port used by the PSP program.

October 19th, 2006, 20:57
OMG get through one bug and here comes another...i finally got my psp to pull up the drives and my folders...then as soon as i play a file for like 2 seconds it freezes...any word on whatsup with this??? i think other people have had this problem...any suggestions?


Sorry for the late response; I think the video playability on the PSP really depends on the quality of the video on the PC. For instance, I made Divx rips of Silent Hill and Return of the King. RoTK played wonderfully. Silent Hill played fine but had the occasional slip up.

However I tried watching an X-files episode my friend ripped from his DVD collection and sent me; damn thing was freezing every few seconds and was totally unbearable.

I do not know the quality of the X-files episode nor the quality of the DVD rips I made (haven't checked them), so I can't tell where the PiMPStreamer begins to choke at what quality.

My guess is, download a clip of something from the net or try another mpeg you may have on your computer and see how that works. If it works without a hitch, then it may just be the file you were trying that is giving PiMPStreamer a hard time.