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View Full Version : Eidos Fires up Chili Con Carnage

October 4th, 2006, 21:39
Eidos has announced the sublimely named Chili Con Carnage - a third-person PSP "high action" Mexican shooter from Deadline Games, the developer behind Total Overdose.

Promising, "super spicy action, over-the-top, gravity-defying special moves", Chili Con Carnage sees Ramiro Cruz wreaking carnage on the seedy underworld of Los Toros as he attempts to avenge the assassination of his father, battling against the local kingpin Cesar Morales' drug cartel.

With 19 missions set across seven different locales, ranging from sprawling cities to dense jungle, Chili Con Carnage sees you pitting wits against "moustachioed mercenaries, megalomaniacal crime-lords and chemically mutated super-Mamas" across four different game modes covering both single-player and multiplayer misadventures.

According to Deadline Games' CEO Chris Mottes, "Eidos gave us the challenge to create the fastest and most gun crazy action game to be released on a handheld machine. And we have delivered Chili Con Carnage - a burning hot Mexican shooter with the biggest explosion frequency and the highest takedown rate you will ever experience on the PSP". He does tend to shout a bit, that one.

Those not hung over from too much tequila may recognize this game's lead gunslinger as that of the impressive but overlooked Total Overdose from last year.

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October 5th, 2006, 00:39
I don't know why, but this amuses me qute a bit. It would amuse me even more if it played the Mexican Hat Dance song. I may buy it just for that. :p

October 5th, 2006, 00:58
Beware the mexicans! they're probably fighting to cross int othe US illegally lol. interesting concept

October 5th, 2006, 04:35
Beware the mexicans! they're probably fighting to cross int othe US illegally lol. interesting concept
That's probably the point of the game. xD

October 5th, 2006, 05:38
"spicey move"?!?!?!? what the crap!?!?

October 6th, 2006, 00:40
Looks like a Shadow Warrior/Nacho Libre mashup with a scoring system informed by Tony Hawk's etc., etc.

What the hell. Sign me up!

October 6th, 2006, 00:57
Ill eat my tacos while playing this! Im buying this!

looks to hilarious to pass