View Full Version : JFW DH: 3.56 MA-1 available

November 15th, 2011, 12:15
After the announcement of firmware 3.41 and 3.56 MA, DemonHades finally released his first custom firmware known as 3.56 MA-1.

The most basic version is ready according to him for some months, but he preferred to wait. This custom has nothing to do with the exploit Metldr although appearance is imminent. This custom has only basic functions. Features: - Support PEEK / POKE lv2, SYSCALL 6 and 7 used to keep compatibility with existing homebrew - Support PEEK / POKE lv1, SYSCALL 10 and 11. These use the same as those of the syscall Lv2 - Loading applications unsigned format FSELF run natively. A normal application or format npdrm FSELF works directly. (No interaction with the Lv2) - Loading applications signed - Support applications up to 3.56 - Use of all syscall system - no need to edit the file PARAM. SFO in the event that you want to use an application npdrm, normal or from the reader than 3.56 - Installation of PKG retail and debug option from the installation PKG - The system parameters are changed the QA XMB, you can open the options using the normal combo without the QA mode is active or a valid token or on your console. Each option changed is maintained by the system registry. - Patch against error 0x80010009 - Patch against error 0x80010019 - Patch against error 0x8001003C - Patch against error 0x8001003D - Patch against error 0x8001003E - Patch against the Error 0x80010003 - Patch to override the check signature ECDSA. Now an unsigned application will be regarded as signed. - You can now enter the service mode and use the lv2diag, but it's risky After much talked about, the JFW in a DH finally released the first version and invites interested persons DemonHades desired (a downgrade is not possible without hardware flasher for people being 3.55) has the test and make constructive feedback. cedisov62 Thanks for the information. Homepage: www.demonhades.org