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View Full Version : NDS/general: Renewed my website

October 6th, 2006, 21:50
Hi all,

http://www.scorpei.com/pictures_EZflash/white_standing_small.jpg (http://www.scorpei.com)

As some of you may have noticed I have revamped my site (or at least you could see that via the redirection page). This also means I have released my review of the EZflash IV deluxe (http://www.scorpei.com/EZflash_IV_deluxe.html), and eventough due to circumstances I had less time then usual I hope you will like it.
I have also uploaded a wiki (http://wiki.scorpei.com/), which you are free to edit (with proper content of course ;)). If you feel like talking, why don't you drop by the "news" page (http://blog.scorpei.com/). As I will possibly be away the next few days I will not be able to respond to any of your replies, hope you will understand :). I've also added a general download page (http://www.scorpei.com/downloads/downloads.html), though seeing as I will be away the next few days (possibly) it may not be very up to date. If you are visiting my new page for the first time I suggest/ask you to go to the main page first (http://www.scorpei.com/), before anything else.

I hope you all like my new page, though the content of course never changes ;).

One thing though, if you are viewing my webpage with IE download FireFox or Opera right now :). IE does not handle the "skin" correctly, though it is still readable.


p.s. Many thanks to BamBooGaming (http://www.bamboogaming.com/) for partially sponsoring me! And of course all other supporters (http://www.scorpei.com/about.html)!

October 7th, 2006, 00:30
Nice site.

The well articulated content is a welcome departure from the norm.