View Full Version : The Holy Grails of Console Collecting

October 7th, 2006, 00:49
Via Slashdot

Retrogaming with Racketboy has up a feature looking at some of the 'holy grails' of console collecting. These are titles worthy of long, hard searches through auctions and used game stores ... both for their quality and their rarity. From the article:
"16. Star Fox: Super Weekend/Donkey Kong Country Competition Cartridge, Estimated Price (Loose): $200. If there was a big one-two punch in Nintendo's fight against Sega's Genesis, Star Fox and Donkey Kong Country would be it. While the main retail games may not be rare at all, there was a special package that is quite desirable. The Star Fox: Super Weekend and Donkey Kong Country Competition cartridges were used by Blockbuster Video in tournaments held within the store, and never received a true commercial release. The winners of the tournaments would receive prizes such as jackets and sometimes even vacations."

Full and excellent article Here (http://www.racketboy.com/retro/raregames.htm)

October 7th, 2006, 01:05
Nice one, Wraggster!!

Racketboy's site is really entertaining and he's a great guy to boot. Sold me a few Saturn modchips for real cheap last year and even followed up to see if needed any other Sega gear too before he closed up shop. Not sure if he deals in Saturn hardware anymore, but its great that you are featuring his articles on your network.

This is definitely one to bookmark on your PSp browser!

October 7th, 2006, 01:22
That's one of the most entertaining articles I've seen in a long time. Good find.

October 7th, 2006, 02:26
I have world class track meet and atlantis 1... so close.

October 7th, 2006, 11:20
I hate when people tell about those prices...
It make me doubt if I sell my valuable games...
Just a quick list of those I remember:
Nintendo World Championship
Star Fox Super Weekend
Guardian Heroes (I've seen people pay over $500 for it. I bought mine for R$19 or $9 ^^)
Some Atari 2600 games, wich I believe to be very rare. (got 200 cartidges[a few were same as others] for R$10 or $5 ^^)
Some Neo Geo cartidges(I bought a Neo Geo and 10 good games for R$950 or $432)

All above work perfectly, execp the Nintendo World Championship. I don't have a NES anymore. You thought I was careless and it was broken, right? XD

October 8th, 2006, 17:45
My brother has Star Fox Super Weekend... He bought it for FIVE DOLLARS at the game store he works at.. We didn't know what the hell it was, so he picked it up. I guess it's actually worth something O_o

October 8th, 2006, 18:05
Entertaining article!