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View Full Version : Why Do We Prefer Sequels?

October 7th, 2006, 08:10
An excerpt from a great article:

Why do we seem to prefer game sequels over new creative games?
In 2005, Electronic Arts released 26 games. Of the 26 only one was new. Video games seem to be following a sequel pattern similar to the movies. This summer on the movie scene we have X-Men 3, Superman 5, and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. On the videogame front we are looking at NCAA 5 (I think) and Madden 6 (or is it 7?). I think Final Fantasy is on XII! Why are there so many sequels? What has happened to innovation in our video games? Are corporations purposely cheating us by limiting our choices?

Companies have many reasons to produce sequels. For a game producer, sequels are cheaper to make, predictable, and sell well. Most sequels use the same game engine with only a few new features added, because adapting to both changing technologies and different platforms can suck up a lot of a producer’s budget. From the business standpoint, a sequel often produces a predictable revenue stream, which is rare in an unpredictable video game market. However, not all the blame can be placed on the game companies. Gamers are ultimately what drive the market, and if gamers continue to buy sequels, the companies will continue to make them for us.

Full Article (http://www.2old2play.com/News/Why_Do_We_Prefer_Sequels_)

October 7th, 2006, 08:35
sounds a bit like an article i wrote

October 7th, 2006, 08:38
seriously im sick of sequals and prequals, why are companies so afraid of releasing new games, thats just plain fear and layzeeness

October 7th, 2006, 08:46
I think personally they improve on the originals in MOST cases.Its only when you get CONSTANT updates(EA take note) they wear abit thin.

October 7th, 2006, 10:33
basically companies see that a game did well and they see that they can improve it and if a sequel beats the first one they will then try a third and so on until people just dont like it anymore

its the tried and tested method, much easier to release an updated version of a game than risk creating a new game people wont like, its all about the risk factor/money losing factor

October 7th, 2006, 11:17
Technically, The Final Fantasy Series are sequals, but in each one there is a different battle system and story, so in a sense, they aren't sequels at all, just Square-enix's high-production value RPGs.

October 7th, 2006, 11:40
I think it's familiarity which makes people buy sequels. If you buy a game and enjoy it, you are more likely to but the sequel than risk buying an original game and not liking it.

October 7th, 2006, 12:37
Thats true i love sequels but new games are kool too the megaman series is a good example. I buy that all the time i got 6 of them atm but when battle chip chalenge came out I did'nt like it so I did'nt buy it its eeasier for developers to make more money with sequels than to go on a whim with a new game.

October 7th, 2006, 13:47
Human nature causes us to avoid change whenever possible. And that mentality has also spilled over to the business world. Wheter purposefully or just by chance it doesn't matter.

Companies definitely like to milk certain licenses to death until you have a bitter taste in your mouth from some animal mascot or android like hero.

Some sequels are in fact great though. Look at the new Lego Star Wars (Original Trilogy). And what Nintendo does with Mario & friends is always changing and evolving or at the very least, expanding on whats already tried and true.

Sequels definitely have their place in gaming but I agree that it is definitely over-done.

Also, if you have a great thing going like with the Metal Gear Solid saga, it'd be a tragedy NOT to create sequals.

To finish my 2 cents on this, I can't help but think that the PSP has been getting neglected by some companies. Companies either lost faith in the PSP or the consumers to use the PSP and some games have been really inexusable pieces of junk. Take the games Street Supremacy, Micro Machines V4, and the more recent gangs of London. Definitely not top notch efforts by a long shot but they were still pushed onto us consumers.

I wonder if game developers think that portable gamers are all kids. In regards to the SONY PSP that would contradict SONY's findings that the PSP has an OLDER audience. And us older 20 somethings will not be as forgiving as 10 year old Johnny who may only get a new game a few times a year so will play the heck out of anything mommy and daddy buy.

October 7th, 2006, 13:50
what gavind said is basically it.
They (developers) took the risk in the first place to create it, they then saw they cud take it further and make a sequel and make it more interesting (graphics/game play/better features)! makes sense to carry on a good thing rather than take a risk!

October 7th, 2006, 15:27
well i think the only sequels that work are sequels that arnt sequals such as mega man thats basically still challanging no matter how many mega mans you play and its not TRYING to have an amazing storyline like most shitty sequels and good sequals are games that can expand the story line without stretching the old one out into another game. a good example of an amazing sequel/prequel is the metal gear solid series......shame about the psp ones really :( but still whenever they create a sequel its like a completely new game built in the world of metal gear solid with brand new storey lines which simply have refrences to previous games for people who have played all the games but subtle enought not to have new comers say wtf they on about, i personally think sequels should only be made when consumers demand it as they can tell if one is possible or the company planned one from the beggining and have there ideas for it already

Basil Zero
October 7th, 2006, 17:20
the reason why there are more sequels/prequels than originals is because there are no new developers, the same people who have been making games last 10-20 years are the same people, if you want to see new games, than get new developers....obviously thats not going to happen anytime soon thanks to the companies addict to current game franchises

October 8th, 2006, 04:34
sequels are nice, fresh new games are good too

October 8th, 2006, 06:34
I like new games better . But i love my Zelda & Pokemon sequels.

October 8th, 2006, 08:19
i like sequels but i like a new good game too