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January 31st, 2005, 06:45


PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!


January 31st, 2005, 06:53


January 31st, 2005, 10:21
turn off caps lock. No there isn't one, and I doubt there will be one in the near future. Once genesis, snes, and neogeo emulation are all perfect and good then ask about this.

January 31st, 2005, 11:44
fool caps lock just anoys people it does not mak us reply quicker, what quzar said. The main problem is rom loading, and how exactly it would work.

January 31st, 2005, 18:52
i need more answeres with details(the caps lock is off)

January 31st, 2005, 19:18
all n64 emulators for PC are closed source or very dependent on PC. None of them are portable with the exception of Mugen. This project though runs only at 15fps on a 2+Ghz PC, so there is no way it would run fullspeed.

just take it as that its too powerful for the PS2 to emulate without much work.

January 31st, 2005, 19:26
i reckon next gen consoles could emulate just about anythin out there at the moment thoug, especially if the PS3 really will be usin a 4.6GHz processor, but then i really dont know that much, so meh, whatever quzar says.

January 31st, 2005, 19:39
yes, but, it's possible build an N64 Emulator for ps2?

January 31st, 2005, 19:56
i reckon next gen consoles could emulate just about anythin out there at the moment thoug, especially if the PS3 really will be usin a 4.6GHz processor, but then i really dont know that much, so meh, whatever quzar says.

by the initial numbers, the PS2 was supposed to be 10x better than the DC. And those were numbers released only a few months before the release of the system. Earlier descriptions made it out to be even more powerful. I imagine that the figures are going to drop considerably from now till when the PS3 comes out.

as for N64 on PS2...there is no reason there cannot be an n64 emulator for the DC (and there are two, but neither really plays any games). YES an n64 emulator could be made for the PS2. Considering though, that NeoGeo emulation isnt even full speed yet, i doubt the possibility of playable n64 emulation on the PS2 in the near future.

January 31st, 2005, 20:53
all n64 emulators for PC are closed source or very dependent on PC. None of them are portable with the exception of Mugen. This project though runs only at 15fps on a 2+Ghz PC, so there is no way it would run fullspeed.

just take it as that its too powerful for the PS2 to emulate without much work.

Actually 1964 is open source, Project 64 is open source and UltraHLE's source code is out there its been ported to xbox. Those are all the popular ones anyway.

January 31st, 2005, 21:28
"or very dependant on PC"

xbox = PC same hardware different colors and outsides.

February 1st, 2005, 14:34
i reckon next gen consoles could emulate just about anythin out there at the moment thoug, especially if the PS3 really will be usin a 4.6GHz processor, but then i really dont know that much, so meh, whatever quzar says.

You cannot compare a 4.6 GHz IBM Processor to a 4.6 GHz Pentium 4 Class CPU because they are different instruction sets. It does not work like that because you can built a CPU that has 1 instruction, nop and get it to run at 1000 GHz. It does whats its suppose to which is do the nop instruction and it does it at 1000 GHz. But its useless. Thats a crude example but you get the idea. And I'm sure PS3 is more than able to emulate Nintendo 64.

"or very dependant on PC"

xbox = PC same hardware different colors and outsides.

Yes I know XBOX is a PC basically, and yes I know those are written for the PC. Frankly, you might agree, I am getting tired of the whole lets port a PC emulator to Dreamcast or PS2 and go from there. In my opinion it would be more worth it to start an emulator from complete scratch that is optimized for Playstation 2 or Dreamcast than to just port an existing PC one and add a few optimizations here and there. Yes it would take a lot of time and efford but it would be worth. I mean not every emulator has to be interpretive. Look at Bleemcast, that is a big achievement.

I remember awhile ago around 1997-1998 my computer could barely run SNES at full speed but then came along a little Nintendo 64 emulator called UltraHLE. At the time N64 emulation was barely argued everyone pretty much assumed it wasn't possible with the current hardware and the only emulators like Ultra64 only ran demos.

Also with Dreamcast, awhile ago everyone said that running DivX on Dreamcast would be impossible at good framerates with sound. Now we have a couple Dreamcast DivX players.

These things may look unlikely but it sometimes takes viewing a problem in a different way to make an achievment.

Yeah, I'm done thats my 2 cents haha.

February 1st, 2005, 15:38
Well, considering that 99% of all coders for the DC are NOT emulator writers, its either ports or nothing.

Its not so much that it would take time and effort, as much as it is two things:

1) Writing an emulator from scratch would require horribly intimate knowledge of the target system, and would end up being very incomplete (think about it, most worthwhile PC emulators either steal most of their code from elsewhere or have been worked on by large teams for years).

2) Unless you are talking about writing in pure assembly, which there you are asking for the impossible, as there are almost no SH-4 experts out there, the end result would be almost identical to what we have now in ports (except for sloppy ports?). I know that myself for one, in working with NeoDC, basically have taken everything that I wouldn't have written in such a way if i were writing it from scratch for the DC, and rewrite it. Thats how you get optimization. Its not like everything would be done differently if you are writing the software for the DC as opposed to PC, almost always the best way to do something is universal.

If all we had were emulators built from scratch, we would have incomplete, slow, buggy emultaors. As far as I know, the only emulator written from scratch for the DC (specifically) is DreamEngine. My horrible port of Hugo is only a bit slower than it, but it has sound!

I'm gonna say this once, because it PISSES ME OFF everytime someone brings up bleemcast as a point to say to write games from scratch.

THEY WERE PAID. Not only that, but they had already written a PC version of the emulator, so they actually knew ahead of time what they were doing. ON TOP OF THAT Rand Linden is possibly one of the most talented assembly coders out there. He's been coding for years and years. Most homebrew DC coders are either students, or a hobby programmers.

As for UltraHLE, that is a fluke, that cannot be applied to everything, and there is a big reason why many games do not work with it. HLE depends on the fact that directX is similar to the n64 dev kit. afaik, the only LLE style N64 emulator is Mugen.

February 1st, 2005, 15:58
Well, considering that 99% of all coders for the DC are NOT emulator writers, its either ports or nothing.

Its not so much that it would take time and effort, as much as it is two things:

1) Writing an emulator from scratch would require horribly intimate knowledge of the target system, and would end up being very incomplete (think about it, most worthwhile PC emulators either steal most of their code from elsewhere or have been worked on by large teams for years).

2) Unless you are talking about writing in pure assembly, which there you are asking for the impossible, as there are almost no SH-4 experts out there, the end result would be almost identical to what we have now in ports (except for sloppy ports?). I know that myself for one, in working with NeoDC, basically have taken everything that I wouldn't have written in such a way if i were writing it from scratch for the DC, and rewrite it. Thats how you get optimization. Its not like everything would be done differently if you are writing the software for the DC as opposed to PC, almost always the best way to do something is universal.

If all we had were emulators built from scratch, we would have incomplete, slow, buggy emultaors. As far as I know, the only emulator written from scratch for the DC (specifically) is DreamEngine. My horrible port of Hugo is only a bit slower than it, but it has sound!

I'm gonna say this once, because it PISSES ME OFF everytime someone brings up bleemcast as a point to say to write games from scratch.

THEY WERE PAID. Not only that, but they had already written a PC version of the emulator, so they actually knew ahead of time what they were doing. ON TOP OF THAT Rand Linden is possibly one of the most talented assembly coders out there. He's been coding for years and years. Most homebrew DC coders are either students, or a hobby programmers.

As for UltraHLE, that is a fluke, that cannot be applied to everything, and there is a big reason why many games do not work with it. HLE depends on the fact that directX is similar to the n64 dev kit. afaik, the only LLE style N64 emulator is Mugen.

I was just saying in theory if a programmer as talented as Rand Linden wanted to program an emulator for specific system and knew how to optimize it would be better than porting it.

Believe me I am happy for all the hard work of the Dreamcast scene. Emus like DreamSNES, Gens Plus, NeoCD, Nester are all amazing. And I love them all.

Sorry for going a little off topic.

On a side note UltraHLE used Glide not DirectX. Ahhh Voodoo 2 you were awesome.

February 1st, 2005, 16:32
Well, considering that 99% of all coders for the DC are NOT emulator writers, its either ports or nothing.

Its not so much that it would take time and effort, as much as it is two things:

1) Writing an emulator from scratch would require horribly intimate knowledge of the target system, and would end up being very incomplete (think about it, most worthwhile PC emulators either steal most of their code from elsewhere or have been worked on by large teams for years).

2) Unless you are talking about writing in pure assembly, which there you are asking for the impossible, as there are almost no SH-4 experts out there, the end result would be almost identical to what we have now in ports (except for sloppy ports?). I know that myself for one, in working with NeoDC, basically have taken everything that I wouldn't have written in such a way if i were writing it from scratch for the DC, and rewrite it. Thats how you get optimization. Its not like everything would be done differently if you are writing the software for the DC as opposed to PC, almost always the best way to do something is universal.

If all we had were emulators built from scratch, we would have incomplete, slow, buggy emultaors. As far as I know, the only emulator written from scratch for the DC (specifically) is DreamEngine. My horrible port of Hugo is only a bit slower than it, but it has sound!

I'm gonna say this once, because it PISSES ME OFF everytime someone brings up bleemcast as a point to say to write games from scratch.

THEY WERE PAID. Not only that, but they had already written a PC version of the emulator, so they actually knew ahead of time what they were doing. ON TOP OF THAT Rand Linden is possibly one of the most talented assembly coders out there. He's been coding for years and years. Most homebrew DC coders are either students, or a hobby programmers.

As for UltraHLE, that is a fluke, that cannot be applied to everything, and there is a big reason why many games do not work with it. HLE depends on the fact that directX is similar to the n64 dev kit. afaik, the only LLE style N64 emulator is Mugen.

Makes me wonder why dcemu communities even exist if all looks so dark... I would say the only way to have Dreamcast Emulation Development for real is to make it commercial, but that is so useless at this point--to not mention no one here would agree with that--that nevermind it...

P.S: quzar I believe the N64 emu you are talking about is Mupen, not Mugen, that's the 2d fighting engine for PC. Then again I may be wrong *goes to check Google*

February 1st, 2005, 18:03
P.S: quzar I believe the N64 emu you are talking about is Mupen, not Mugen, that's the 2d fighting engine for PC. Then again I may be wrong *goes to check Google*

yea, whoops. I've worked with the code of both, and often mix them up, especially since they are only one letter off and the letters are similar g|p =P.

February 1st, 2005, 19:51
???Year, It's impossible to do a N64 emulator for Dreamcast, but the PS2 have capacity to emulate a N64 roms? *???

is possible do an N64 Emulator for PS2 or not? *???

I need more answeres!!!!!!!

February 1st, 2005, 20:56
damnit, my big rant dissapeared.

1. no, there isn't one, if it gets made, it gets made. for crying out loud we don't even have atari 2600 running full speed on DC. people have lives. coders, porters, artists, musicians, everyone has lives.

2. that'd be like me saying i want a Visual Pinball emulator on my DC, no way.

3. buy an N64, and put it on top of your PS2, that way it's running "on" the ps2. or try the one for xbox.

February 1st, 2005, 22:33
but there already is a DC N64 emu, it got slashdotted a while back, it just cant run comercial roms, which would be illegal anyway, sooooo, why complain.

Methinks obelisk's method is the most foolproof, although a nasty big N64 may break a tiny little slimline PS2

February 1st, 2005, 23:07
damnit, my big rant dissapeared.

1. no, there isn't one, if it gets made, it gets made. *for crying out loud we don't even have atari 2600 running full speed on DC. *people have lives. *coders, porters, artists, musicians, everyone has lives.

2. that'd be like me saying i want a Visual Pinball emulator on my DC, no way.

3. *buy an N64, and put it on top of your PS2, that way it's running "on" the ps2. or try the one for xbox.

StellaDC runs fullspeed.

February 2nd, 2005, 00:01
yes the emulator is called Mupen. I was working on porting it to the dreamcast, but its memory requirements are to high even without rom loading. Because it uses extra memory for the dynarecompilation, and to remove it to use instruction based emulator is a major rewrite. I was talking to Hacktarux about it, but i couldnt get it to work. so i moved on :)

February 2nd, 2005, 03:01
yes the emulator is called Mupen. I was working on porting it to the dreamcast, but its memory requirements are to high even without rom loading. Because it uses extra memory for the dynarecompilation, and to remove it to use instruction based emulator is a major rewrite. I was talking to Hacktarux about it, but i couldnt get it to work. so i moved on *:)

but understandable though.

kurt_cobain_brasileiro, se vc leu bem, existe dois emuladores n64 para DC, mas nao servem de muito. é muito dificl escrever um emulador optimizado o suficiente para correr bem na DC. Na ps2 ainda é mais dificil, portanto vc pode esquecer, ou pagar a um genio de programação para _tentar_ criar um. A realidade é assim...

February 2nd, 2005, 12:16
yes the emulator is called Mupen. I was working on porting it to the dreamcast, but its memory requirements are to high even without rom loading. Because it uses extra memory for the dynarecompilation, and to remove it to use instruction based emulator is a major rewrite. I was talking to Hacktarux about it, but i couldnt get it to work. so i moved on *:)

actually, a few months before you tried, i did, and the CPU core for it DOES have instruction based emulation as an option. I don't know why hacktarux told you elsewise. all you have to do is look at the manual for it to see that there are three different CPU running options (although the non dynarec ones are much moe incomplete).

October 14th, 2005, 03:30
I Was Thinking, If Is Possible Do An N64 Emulator For Dreamcast, Why Is Not Possible To Do An N64 Emulator For Ps2???

The Ps2 Capacity Is More Higher Than Dreamcast, So, Why Is Not Possible????

I Need Answeres in portuguese or english!

June 20th, 2006, 05:45
Look, there is never going to be an emulator for ps2. If anything, get an xbox for console n64 emulation. In the future, mabley there will be a 64 emulator... for PS3!

June 20th, 2006, 13:19
I doubt anyone will work on one anyway. Seen as the PS2 is almost over now with the upcoming arival of the PS3 :p

June 20th, 2006, 16:31
wow way to bring up old threads :P

June 21st, 2006, 01:28
BALL_SAC don't revive threads this old, there is no point kurt_cobain probably isn't even around anymore. I seen alot of old thread revived lately. Thread Closed. =P