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View Full Version : The Gamasutra Quantum Leap Awards: Role-Playing Games

October 8th, 2006, 14:11
Gamasutra have done a great article on RPG games that have shaped the gaming scene, heres an excerpt:

In September 2006, the editors of Gamasutra asked its readership of game industry professionals to chime in and vote for which game in the role-playing genre "brought the genre forward" in the biggest way - whether it be an early game that helped define the RPG, or a more recent one which took those core ideas and developed a more rewarding experience than before. Specifically, we asked:

"Which role playing game over the entire history of the genre do you think has made the biggest 'quantum leap', and why?"

More details --> http://gamasutra.com/features/20061006/quantum_01.shtml

Kaze Darkwind
October 8th, 2006, 18:34
Rock on RPGs! though i think theres a couple i would personally give awards to, but thinkin about it i dont think they changed the RPG genre at all hmm >_>

October 8th, 2006, 19:14
Of Course Oblivion Elder Scrolls will take all the prize money home. No RPG compares to it.

October 9th, 2006, 06:25
I vote for ultima underworld 2 the first one really made the first person action-rpg but the 2nd really was a much better game. I think if computers had more power back then it would have been a lot more 'free roaming' kinda like morrowind.

October 9th, 2006, 06:27
Of Course Oblivion Elder Scrolls will take all the prize money home. No RPG compares to it.
I will agree with you on this. That is an awesome game well series.

October 9th, 2006, 06:40
Ive played Oblivion on pc and 360 and its just about the best rpg, im not a real rpg fan but this game requires a low attention span:)

October 9th, 2006, 09:15
If you go for freeform 3d rpgs, it is better to add the gothic series than Bethestas, while Bethesta always was impressive in their freeformness, it always was boring. The Gothic series is closer to the gameplay I love, which is Ultima 7, it has its quirks like weird control schemes, but I think the series itself is more a milestone leap ahead than anything else. It is the first 3d RPG series to rival Ultima 7 in its mechanics and style in a full 3d world. Especially Gothic2. The Bethesta guys, gave high regards to this series, as being a huge inspiration for Daggerfall and Oblivion. Unfortunately while the european gaming press was raving over these games, and they were huge successes over here, the US press wasnt (americans probably have bigger issues to learn new control schemes, or the publisher was a small one with not too much revenue for the magazines over ads)

If you are into hardcore RPGs and love Ultima or Fallout, get these games, while the graphics are dated nowadays they are still a joy to play, once you have mastered the controls.

October 9th, 2006, 10:55
This is a dumb award, because a "quantum leap" is probably the smallest "jump" you can ever do.

# Physics.

1. The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation.
2. This amount of energy regarded as a unit.