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View Full Version : Help with SE-A

October 9th, 2006, 18:27
I just installed Dark_Alex's SE-A firmware, and it says that it supports all kernal firmware on 1.5, but I have not found a single homebrew game/app that works.

Is it something that I am not understanding?


October 9th, 2006, 18:30
not ALL 1.5 homebrew works, i believe x-flash and some other apps don't work, but emus and homebrew games should all work, also make sure they are in the GAME150 folder if they're 1.5 eboots

October 9th, 2006, 18:32
You have to put all your homebrew in a folder called "GAME150" inside the "PSP" folder.

October 9th, 2006, 18:34
cheers, both of you. Obviously miised that bit whilst reading the readme!

October 9th, 2006, 18:38
no problem :)

October 9th, 2006, 20:34
need help cant get irshell working it shows up as corrupted

October 9th, 2006, 20:35
I'm sorely tempted to try this, but I don't want to lose X-Flash capabilities. Gotta love the customisation.!

October 10th, 2006, 14:57
I believe tony99 is right, thx 2 the ppl who got me up and running with homebrew on SE-A, i now have lots of homebrew again, but irShell is the only one that i have tried that doesn't work

EDIT: sorry it is from the maxconsole but how to fix the IR Shell problem is here:
