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View Full Version : [RUMOR] Metldr decrypted by Darkvolt

November 21st, 2011, 20:58
via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3027

Darkvolt the Spanish forum claims to have deciphered the Elotrolado Metldr.

To recall the metldr is located high in the security chain, decrypt open until at least the ps3 version 3.73 and is said to be irrevocable. Darkvolt would have arrived there with the feat of Mathieulh. Below the Darkvolt say: We have a metldr decrypted, it is seen as a normal elf with no header. It contains the root key of Geohot and pairs of 0x30 added to version 3.50 and still used today. Having metldr in the elf we can put it in the header and upload it in anergistic and use it to extract the self loaders. The metldr is still used in the 3.74 (a debug any) and the 3.73 retail. The metldr not be changed so that means we can have the keys for each firmware. A new fake or good news for the PS3 scene, more answers soon . Thanks to the green-to information. Homepage: www.elotrolado.net