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View Full Version : What are you looking foward to? N64 emu Or Psx?

October 9th, 2006, 20:03
Im leaning toward the PSX cuz i never had one and theres like 20 games i wanna play

i also like the n64 because the thought of having mario party or super smash bros on my psp is so freakin awsome

October 9th, 2006, 20:06
PSX, Only because it has my favourite games

October 9th, 2006, 20:07
Im looking forward to both but I would play N64 more than PSX because it has some of the greatest games off all time on it(not that the PSX doesnt).

October 9th, 2006, 20:14
In an ideal world, I wouldn't like to choose. But if forced to I think I'd prefer PSX emulation.

October 9th, 2006, 20:19
PSX, for final fantsy, and n64 for star fox.

October 9th, 2006, 20:24
PSX for Silent Hill

October 9th, 2006, 20:26

i cant wait to play mgs on ps1p and to play full speed smash bros on deadeulus(how do u spell it?)

October 9th, 2006, 20:51
daedalus is how you spell it. I would prefer PS1 over N64 because that has MGS and GT1+2. And I spent my entire early childhood playing that so to see the Playstation logo in the beginning of every game would bring joy to my heart. N64 would be sweet though because the games are all so small compared to PS1.

October 9th, 2006, 21:05
I would say the PSX. I have lots of games I want to play with it.

I'd also like the N64, but due to a lack of buttons, I don't think that many games would work that well.

October 9th, 2006, 21:11
Absolutely N64 because of Zelda OoT and Majoras Mask and Mario 64. The only problem is that it is hard for me to believe that N64 games will be ever playable enough emulated on the PSP to be fun, but I am looking forward to the day I will be proven wrong.

However there is one emulator I would be even more happy about and that would be a PCE/TG16 emulator with a better CD games support as we have right now. Dracula X and the Ys games I love even more than Zelda on N64 :)

October 9th, 2006, 23:54
n64 :p

October 9th, 2006, 23:58
I would want both, but N64 is my favorite in the long run just because I loved it sooooo much when I was a kid, and because the filesize is smaller. :p

Hungry Horace
October 10th, 2006, 01:12

far more interesting in the fact pspspectrum development is being picked up again :)

October 10th, 2006, 01:47
while were at it what happened to strmnrmn he stopped up dating his blog for a loooooooooong time

October 10th, 2006, 02:37
They both look appealing to me. Its great to see both being owrked on so rapidly.

October 11th, 2006, 18:38
Im leaning toward the PSX cuz i never had one and theres like 20 games i wanna play

i also like the n64 because the thought of having mario party or super smash bros on my psp is so freakin awsome

daedalus is how you spell it. I would prefer PS1 over N64 because that has MGS and GT1+2. And I spent my entire early childhood playing that so to see the Playstation logo in the beginning of every game would bring joy to my heart. N64 would be sweet though because the games are all so small compared to PS1.

Damn, haven't found a post that I agree with more in a long time. Applies to both of the above.

October 11th, 2006, 18:42
Well im looking forward to a N64 better because of the size of the games. I really only whant psone for silent hill. But i guess there already have one in the works for the psp

October 12th, 2006, 03:56
Eh, I'd pick N64, because I never owned a PSONE when I was a kid, so I'm more attached to the N64.

I'd love to see my favorite N64 games on the PSP, including, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Glover, Etc.

October 12th, 2006, 05:15
n64 easily... Bomberman 64, Perfect dark, Banjo kazooie, Smash Bro's

October 12th, 2006, 05:50
also your avatar has a picture of a Nintendo 64 in it lol

October 12th, 2006, 06:00
I grew up with ps so that makes me a soneyfanboi

October 12th, 2006, 07:07
PSX...why? cuz IMHO it had better games(well more of em) than N64, even though me and my N64 had a good run :)

October 12th, 2006, 07:45
Well in all realyty i played more the N64 then the PS one but i loved them bouth.

October 12th, 2006, 16:45
Put me under the "both" column. I love them both...so I want to take both with me wherever I go.

October 14th, 2006, 01:55
Hmm... I would have to go for the n64 emulator. The psx files are too big and from what I hear the one game on psx that I would get the emulator for, is hard to emulate. (Vigilante 8)

If there was a way to possibly run an emulated game through wifi with psp host then I might consider psx but as of now I can't even get it to psp host to work on windows sp1. Why don't I upgrade you ask? Well that's a whole nother story.

October 14th, 2006, 09:41
cha0ticbliss, I wonder, if thats the same problem that is on "my" laptop... After installing SP2 explorer keeps only 2-3 secs up?

I've never had a REAL N64, so PSone is more likely to make me enjoy my time...

October 14th, 2006, 10:58
I'd say I'm looking foward to N64 more because of Zelda Oot but PS1 had some great games like: Oddworld,MGS,and all of the Tekkens.
Zelda Oot is probably one of my all time favorite games :D

October 14th, 2006, 12:14
I like n64 too much I think it was the first proper console I had which got me into gaming. So I'll always have more fun playing n64 but the ps1 looks preety sweet there are some awesome games I want to try (legend of dragoon, Final fantasys, Dragon valor the list goes on lol) but n64 will always be the best for me.

October 14th, 2006, 19:02
cha0ticbliss, I wonder, if thats the same problem that is on "my" laptop... After installing SP2 explorer keeps only 2-3 secs up?

My issue has to do with buying my computer off of someone, but not obtaining the boot disk. So now I am running a dell installation on an HP computer which is fine other than some drive issues. And, I don't have the cd key for the dell installation, not to mention it is currently in use on another computer sooo I have to reinstall every 30 days and am not allowed to download microsoft updates without activation..... so yeaaa fun stuff.

I would buy a new operating system, but if I do that I mine as well get a new computer. If I get a new computer, I mine as well wait untill Vista because buying an OS alone costs a lot.

Anywho, I changed my mind. I really would like to play through final fantasy 6 and/or 7 just to see what all the hype is about. Since it is an RPG I doubt that an inconsistent framerate would hurt the gameplay too much. (Still skeptical that the emu's will be running a full 60fps any time soon)

October 14th, 2006, 21:56
I would say the PSX. I have lots of games I want to play with it.

I'd also like the N64, but due to a lack of buttons, I don't think that many games would work that well.

there is a bigger lack in buttons for playstation
@tetris... it isnt psx... lol it's ps1 or just ps

and to answer your ?... i say n64 because of netplay with 4 players over 2 players... because thats all ill use it for is multiplayer... since ive already beaten all of my old games

October 14th, 2006, 22:26
why do they call it psx all the time hmm?

October 14th, 2006, 23:28
Lol practicly everyone just calls it that... im dont really care its just funny... psx was actualy a ps2/dvdburner/tivoish thing
