View Full Version : Doom/Doom2 Online

October 10th, 2006, 11:30
This is an just an idea, but i would really like to see an online port of doom/Doom 2 for the psp, unfortunetly for me i dont have much of any programming experence, but on the other hand, im pretty good at making doom maps so i would if any body (or a team) also thinks this is a good idea, then email me an i can get to work on making some DM levels for this, i know it is possible because of Quake 1 online, but i can probably bet its noware near easy to do. making a netcode cant be very easy:rolleyes: ...
so if any body else thinks this is a good idea (or a waste of time) please post why. also email me if you are interested or simply post here, my email is.... [email protected] .... Thank you

ps. srry for posting a new topic even though im a noob:)

-BlackShark-/ Black-vd-plas
-zdaemon player-

October 11th, 2006, 09:04
srry for double post....

Here is a good example of my work...

and go here to download the wad,

you will need zdoom to test it, (google it) and/or zdaemon, you can also choose to open it with a map editor, like Doombuilder (Google it :) )

thank you and I hope you like it. its a 6 map deathmatch wad, (will not work on psp doom simply cuz there is no deathmatch mode for it )
and i hope this will spark insperation for someone or a Dev team to code Doom online... thank you....

October 13th, 2006, 22:09
I'm in the same boat my friend.

I wouldn't mind seeing an online port of doom ported to the PSP. Zdoom's netcode isn't the best, and Zdaemon has a closed source. Anything I can find really won't cut it. Not to mention I have no programming experience outside of DLL coding for programs.

(lol, bump)

October 19th, 2006, 04:15
yes, i wonder if we /or someone can use the psp quake netcode, it should work if someone can get it to work.

October 23rd, 2006, 22:20
srry for double post....

Here is a good example of my work...

and go here to download the wad,

you will need zdoom to test it, (google it) and/or zdaemon, you can also choose to open it with a map editor, like Doombuilder (Google it :) )

thank you and I hope you like it. its a 6 map deathmatch wad, (will not work on psp doom simply cuz there is no deathmatch mode for it )
and i hope this will spark insperation for someone or a Dev team to code Doom online... thank you....

Nice maps, that would sweet to include on the Doom online abilities on the psp. Unfortunately, 1. i am terrible with coding right now and 2. i am still bombed with 72 hours a week at work. I can try it and see if it works, but I can't promise anything.

October 24th, 2006, 06:53
ouch 72 hours? i feel bad for you :l
well, im just starting to learn C++ right now
so maybe in the WAY future i can do something to help this out, i got loops, pointers, and functions pretty much down, a bazillion things more to go ")

October 25th, 2006, 04:28
ouch 72 hours? i feel bad for you :l
well, im just starting to learn C++ right now
so maybe in the WAY future i can do something to help this out, i got loops, pointers, and functions pretty much down, a bazillion things more to go ")

I start my C++ classes on Nov. 28 as well as my 3d multimedia design (ITT's version of game engine design and character modelling). I'll give a hand at this when I get my time off (this may be the last week for overtime until about mid Nov.) You'll do good, C++ is pretty easy when you get the hang of it. I just suck so bad I have to retake it again. Post some updates when you have time, I'll likely do the same if I can.

October 25th, 2006, 05:38
Online Doom would be sweet!!
I made a few levels for doom back in the day and would definately like to make some new ones if an online port came out, PSPDoom rocks and I'm assuming the source code for it is out, I'm sure an experianced coder would'nt find it to hard to add online multiplayer. whats online Quake like on the PSP? is it like the pc version with the list of servers and all that? and can you use the mods from the PC version?(team fortress rules)

October 28th, 2006, 00:06
yes the source code for doompsp comes with the download in the src file. ill try to see what i can do

October 28th, 2006, 04:29
Online Doom would be sweet!!
I made a few levels for doom back in the day and would definately like to make some new ones if an online port came out, PSPDoom rocks and I'm assuming the source code for it is out, I'm sure an experianced coder would'nt find it to hard to add online multiplayer. whats online Quake like on the PSP? is it like the pc version with the list of servers and all that? and can you use the mods from the PC version?(team fortress rules)

You have to get Quake, its awsome, plus you can play against PC users as well. It works by choosing a server from a command list after enabling multiplayer and then starting from a new single player game. As for mods, I'm not quite sure if any work, but I imagine so. I'll try some when I get home and let you know, the counterstrike style mod was fun back in the day.

March 1st, 2007, 06:23
Ok, its been Several months, and ive been learning to program, I think I am ready to start this. but I just need to figure out how to compile the original source code(s).

Does any body know how?

March 1st, 2007, 13:42
Copy the source to a compiler and choose compile.

March 2nd, 2007, 05:36
pfff, lol of course i've tried that, but it doesn't work, my guess is that it requires a library that i dont have yet, my guess is that it requires the SDL, any body know were i can get it? SVN commands don't work for me.

March 9th, 2007, 10:37
Well, Im now able to compile the source, and i hav edited the Menu to switch between Single player and MultiPlayer modes, do you guys know where I can find a good Ad-hoc tutorial?

March 9th, 2007, 12:35
If anyone gets doom online working they will be an absolute legend. And i will praise them like the gods they are.

March 9th, 2007, 21:39
lol Well, baby steps, Im going to get ad-hoc working first and formost, since the origanol doom supported it, I should be able to make it so you can get 4 of your friends with this homebrew to all Deathmatch each other. (how many of you guys actuelly have 4 friends with psp's AND homebrew ability?)
If/when I do complete this I will also make a custom DeathMatch wad just for this (DeathMatch maps are my specialty :P) and hopefully BEX support (for more editing then DEH....)

Infastructure? I don't know, thats really pushing it for me, The only way I would be able to do that is with Some one whe knows Network code inside and out and is willing to pretty much do it himself and supply servers, (cuz I would have no idea on that)

March 19th, 2007, 05:39
Well, cool, Now I can compile it to an eboot and am already making modifications, right now im adding Mp3 support (not to pwads but making it so that if you go to the buttons config mode, press select and you can also view and browse through your mp3s on your memory stick then play them in game :P) after that ill look into the quake source and see whats going on there.

March 27th, 2007, 00:52
dude i can't wait for this. good job blackshark