View Full Version : Catherine tempting Europe in February

November 24th, 2011, 23:19
http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2011/07/catherine7505_530x300.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/11/24/catherine-tempting-europe-in-february/)
Catherine (http://joystiq.com/game/catherine), the game that can be described feebly as a romantic nightmare puzzle sim type thing, is heading to Europe in February 2012. Deep Silver is taking care of Atlus' curious cargo over there, and announced the release window today alongside a double-sided cover for first-edition copies.

The flip cover shows Catherine, a mysterious and illicit temptation for the protagonist. Reverse it and you'll find Katherine, his long-term girlfriend that's making a move toward marriage. "This way consumers will get the opportunity to select their personal preference," Deep Silver says, "as to which of the women in his life the game's main character, Vincent, should choose." If your game cases are proudly displayed in the living room, we suggest you go with the K-lady.
