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View Full Version : NOA: Wii Demo Units Not Just at GameStop

October 11th, 2006, 20:46
Despite report to the contrary, GameStop will not be the only retailer to get playable Wii demo units before the launch of the new console.

Nintendo of America finally got back to me today on the issue:

Playable Wii setups will be available at a variety of retail outlets. We expect that anyone who wants to try Wii will be able to through multiple different methods. In addition to retail outlets, Wii will be playable at a number of mall tours throughout the country, the nationwide Nintendo Fusion Tour and other grass-roots consumer events.
After a bit more badgering on my part, Nintendo clarified that retailers will either receive a traditional pre-built, self-contained interactive kiosk with a TV, Wii and controllers or just the Wii and controllers, which they will then need to set up themselves with their own television.

GameStop once more proves that they are the kings of hyperbole.

October 11th, 2006, 22:20
"hyperbole" wat is that?

even if game-stop forces the use of credit cards, i have a "Simon Give Card" that is the exact same thing as a credit card but you just set an amount of money to it and that is how much it has. its basicly a debt card. and mine has 10$ so dont come to my house and try to steal it lol!

but if they charge MONEY to play that will be gay x99999999 but i'll do it anyways!!! XD

October 12th, 2006, 02:06