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View Full Version : 1GB Sandisk Memory Stick PRO Duo, $15 shipped.

October 12th, 2006, 07:45
If anyone is looking to upgrade to a 1GB memory stick, this is a very good deal. It's a 1GB memory stick PRO Duo (and it's not a crappy 'gaming' edition). It's $15 shipped after rebates. Check it out...
[HERE] (http://www.buy.com/retail/Product.asp?sku=10388963&SearchEngine=LSdealnews&Type=CJ&Keyword=10388963&Category=Comp&adid=17662)


October 12th, 2006, 07:53
Now thats more reasonable for the price. If you dont have anything to biggin with.

October 12th, 2006, 09:01
hey thats cheap thats dirt cheap i wish i had 15 bucks lmao but i do need to uprade from my 512mb its just not enough since gpSP was released i always find my self with a full mem stick and more roms to put on it lol but thanks for the heads up video freak