View Full Version : Re-Volt for PSP

December 3rd, 2011, 18:56

Anybody interested in porting "Re-Volt" to PSP? (not vita)

I know many people is forgetting the "PSP" because of the vita... but this can be interesting. I also Know you can play Revolt for PSX on your PSP... but it is a very very bad port.

Re-Volt Source code is available at http://revoltsource.awardspace.com/ . I have no idea about programming (if I had.. i'd have done it myself).

The original game, required a pentium 200 Mhz and 32 Mb RAM.. It could work on phat PSP and it surely works on PSP slim, (I have seen 3d homebrew demos using pspgl looking very very good)

Hope somebody finds this interesting, I have a lot of free time so I could test and send feedback or something.
