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View Full Version :  I cant reconnect the ribbon. (Not the white

November 28th, 2004, 16:46
A friend gave me his broken PS2 to fix, and I opened it up and while I was cleaning the inside I noticed that he had his disc tray jammed (he told me the tray wouldnt eject thats why he gave me it). So while trying to fix that this ribbon came out. It's came out for me millions of times on other PS2's so I unscrew everything and put the ribbon back in, but while I was screwing everything back on a different ribbon came off. It's an orange ribbon with a big white tip connected to the lens that reads the disc. I unscrewed the part with the lens and tried to put the ribbon back in but It wouldnt go in for some wierd reason. I took some pics with my digital camera that i recently bought. (I'm not used to it so bare with these crappy pictures.)


