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View Full Version : iPod Solitaire Clone

October 13th, 2006, 20:42
Techni has released a new solitaire game for the PSP, heres the details:

A port of the game I made for my iPod clone. Plays as similar as I can get to the Windows version of Solitaire.

Left Shoulder - Deal 3 cards
Right + Left Shoulder - New Game
X - Grab card(s)/Place grabbed card(s)
Left or Right (Dpad) - Select previous/next card pile
Up or Down (Dpad) - Select higher/lower card/card pile

Future Additions:
- The ability to lose the game when you go through the deck to many times
- A button to automatically dump a selected or grabbed card to the ace pile
- Autoplay (cards that can go to the ace pile and there are no lower value cards of the opposite color left in play, automatically put the cards in the ace pile)
- Custom soundtracks
- Persistant settings (INI file?)
- An options menu

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October 13th, 2006, 21:13
cool i all ways play this on my mini

October 14th, 2006, 07:50
solitaire on the actual iPod is horrible.